Dr Sean Malkeson
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: S.P.Malkeson@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1403
Dr Malkeson is a professional Chartered (IMechE) engineer specialising in combustion, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer with experience in computer coding, simulations and numerical analysis. His research interests include the analysis, fundamental insight and modelling of turbulent combustion phenomena using Direct Numerical Simulations as well as Fire and Explosion hazard simulation and analysis. He has experience in both academic research and teaching as well as in an industrial consultancy setting.
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BEng
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, CEng
Academic appointments
Programme Leader - Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2021
University Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, 2011 - 2012
Journal article
Ahuir Torres JI, Burgess A, Sharp MC, Opoz T, Malkeson SP, Falkingham PL, Darlington RI, Tammas-Williams S. 2024. A Study of the Corrosion Resistance of 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Powder Bed Laser Additive Manufacturing Applied Sciences, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Malkeson S, Alshaaili S, Chakraborty N. 2023. Numerical investigation of steady state, laminar, natural convection of Bingham fluids in a trapezoidal enclosure heated from the bottom and cooled from the sides International Journal of Thermofluids, 20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2023. Laminar Natural Convection of Water-Based Alumina Nanofluids in a Square Enclosure Heat Transfer Engineering, 45 :1173-1189 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ahmed U, Malkeson SP, Pillai AL, Chakraborty N, Kurose R. 2023. Flame self-interaction during turbulent boundary layer flashback of hydrogen-rich premixed combustion Physical Review Fluids, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Malkeson SP, Alshaaili S, Chakraborty N. 2023. Numerical investigation of steady state laminar natural convection of power-law fluids in side-cooled trapezoidal enclosures heated from the bottom Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications, 83 :770-789 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang YF, Ma W, Wang T, Liu J, Wang X, Malkeson SP, Yang Z, Wang J. 2022. Dynamic optimisation of evacuation route in the fire scenarios of offshore drilling platforms Ocean Engineering, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Malkeson SP, Ahmed U, Pillai AL, Chakraborty N, Kurose R. 2021. Flame self-interactions in an open turbulent jet spray flame Physics of Fluids, 33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Ahmed U, Turquand d'Auzay C, Pillai AL, Chakraborty N, Kurose R. 2020. Displacement speed statistics in an open turbulent jet spray flame Fuel, 286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malkeson SP, Wacks DH, Chakraborty N. 2020. Statistical Behaviour and Modelling of Fuel Mass Fraction Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation study FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 105 :237-266 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Ahmed U, Pillai AL, Chakraborty N, Kurose R. 2020. Evolution of Surface Density Function in an Open Turbulent Jet Spray Flame FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 106 :207-229 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wacks DH, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2016. Statistical behavior of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A direct numerical simulation analysis Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications, 70 :1087-1100 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Katragadda M, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2014. Modelling of the curvature term in the Flame surface density transport equation: a direct numerical simulations based analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPRAY AND COMBUSTION DYNAMICS, 6 :163-198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Katragadda M, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2014. Modelling of the Tangential Strain Rate Term in the Flame Surface Density Transport Equation in the Context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Simulations: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2014 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Ruan S, Chakraborty N, Swaminathan N. 2013. Statistics of Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction Gradients from DNS of Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 185 :1329-1359 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2013. A-Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Modelling of Co-variance Transport in Turbulent Stratified Flames FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 90 :243-267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2013. Statistical Analysis and a-priori Modelling of Flame Surface Density Transport in Turbulent Stratified Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 90 :143-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hesse H, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2012. Displacement Speed Statistics for Stratified Mixture Combustion in an Igniting Turbulent Planar Jet JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 134 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2011. Statistical Analysis of Cross Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 87 :313-349 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2011. Alignment statistics of active and passive scalar gradients in turbulent stratified flames PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Katragadda M, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2011. Modelling of the tangential strain rate term of the Flame Surface Density transport equation in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes simulation PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE, 33 :1429-1437 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2011. Statistical Analysis of Scalar Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, 86 :1-44 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2010. A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Assessment of Algebraic Models of Variances and Dissipation Rates in the Context of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations for Low Damkohler Number Partially Premixed Combustion COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 182 :960-999 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2010. The Modeling of Fuel Mass Fraction Variance Transport in Turbulent Stratified Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS, 58 :187-206 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Malkeson SP, Alshaali S, Chakraborty N. 2022. LAMINAR NATURAL CONVECTION OF POWER-LAW FLUIDS IN A TRAPEZOIDAL ENCLOSURE HEATED FROM THE BOTTOM Proceeding of Proceedings of CONV-22: Int. Symp. on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer June 5 – 10, 2022, Turkey, Proceedings of CONV-22: Int. Symp. on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer June 5 – 10, 2022, Turkey :249-256 DOI Publisher Url
Katragadda M, Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2012. Statistical behaviour of the curvature term of the FSD transport equation in the context of RANS THMT-12. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TURBULENCE, HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 7th International Symposium on Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT) :1147-1158 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Chakraborty N. 2010. Statistical Analysis of Displacement Speed in Turbulent Stratified Flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems 182 :1841-1883 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malkeson SP, Wacks DH, Chakraborty N. 2017. Modelling of Variance and Co-variance in Turbulent Flame–Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis Droplets and Sprays Applications for Combustion and Propulsion Springer 9789811074493 DOI Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
Laminar Natural Convection of Power-Law Fluids in a Trapezoidal Enclosure Heated from the Bottom, 5th International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer,, Izmir, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2022
Laminar Natural Convection of Bingham Fluids in a Trapezoidal Enclosure Heated from the Bottom, 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Manchester, UK, Oral presentation. 2022
Statistical Analysis of Displacement Speed in an Open Turbulent Jet Spray Flame, International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Madeira, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2019
Statistical Analysis of Displacement Speed in an Open Turbulent Jet Spray Flame [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Charles Turquand d'Auzay, Umair Ahmed, Abhishek L. Pillai, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Ryoichi Kurose], International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, Madeira, Portugal, Oral presentation. 2019
Analysis of Fuel Mass Fraction Dissipation Rate Transport in Turbulent Flame-Droplet Interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation Study [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Daniel H. Wacks, Lizhong Yi, Nilanjan Chakraborty], Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, UK, Oral presentation. 2016
Analysis of the co-variance of fuel mass fraction and mixture fraction in turbulent flame-droplet interaction: A Direct Numerical Simulation study [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Daniel H. Wacks, Lizhong Yi, Nilanjan Chakraborty], Joint Meeting of British, Spanish and Portuguese Combustion Institutes, Cambridge University, UK., Oral presentation. 2016
Jet Fire Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations: Validation from an Industrial & Consultancy Perspective [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Tim Jones, Robert English], International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Leeds, UK, Poster presentation. 2015
Statistical behaviour of the curvature term of the FSD transport equation in the context of RANS [Authors: Mohit Katragadda, Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Sicily, Italy, Oral presentation. 2012
A-priori DNS modelling of co-variance transport in turbulent stratified flames [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, Oral presentation. 2011
Numerical investigation of localised forced ignition of quiescent globally stoichiometric stratified flames [Authors: Mitul Mehta, Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Sardinia, Italy, Oral presentation. 2011
Statistical analysis and modelling of turbulent fuel mass fraction flux in turbulent stratified flames using Direct Numerical Simulations [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reacting Systems, Irvine, California, USA, Oral presentation. 2011
A Direct Numerical Simulation study on flame surface density transport in turbulent stratified low Damköhler number flames in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, Poster presentation. 2011
Statistics of Cross-Scalar Dissipation Rate Based on Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction for Turbulent Stratified Flames: A DNS Study [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Conference on Numerical Combustion, ICNC, Corfu, Greece, Oral presentation. 2011
Statistical analysis of co-variance transport in low Damköhler number turbulent stratified flames: A DNS study [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Poster presentation. 2010
Statistical analysis of fuel mass fraction variance transport in turbulent partiallypremixed flames: A Direct Numerical Simulation study [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Poster presentation. 2010
Statistics of cross scalar dissipation rate in turbulent partially premixed flames: A DNS study [Authors: Nilanjan Chakraborty, Sean P. Malkeson], International Workshop on Combustion Simulation and Modelling, Imperial College, London, Oral presentation. 2009
Statistical analysis of displacement speed in partially premixed flames using DNS [Authors: Nilanjan Chakraborty, Sean P. Malkeson], 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reacting Systems, Minsk, Belarus, Oral presentation. 2009
Scalar Dissipation rate transport modelling of partially premixed flames using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], 4th European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, Poster presentation. 2009
Analysis of Scalar Dissipation rate transport in combusting stratified charge mixtures using Direct Numerical Simulations [Authors: Sean P. Malkeson, Nilanjan Chakraborty], International Symposium on Combustion, Montreal, Canada, Poster presentation. 2008
Other invited event:
IMechE (North West) Seminar, University of Central Lancashire, Presentation entitled "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis - Industrial and Academic Applications". 2019
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).