Image of Dr Mark Dalton

Dr Mark Dalton

Nursing and Allied Health

Faculty of Health

Mark is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice.
He is a registered nurse with experience in Management, Leadership , Education and Research within a variety of clinical specialties ranging from Oncology/ Haematology, HIV, Intensive Care and Emergency Department Nursing.
His teaching expertise is within Advanced Practice and he teaches across several programmes within the faculty and module leads on the MSc programmes, and is the current programme lead for the Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) -Apprenticeship route.

Mark has come from a senior clinical role within the NHS as the Corporate Lead for ACP development within an acute NHS Trust, where he successfully implemented the ACP training pathway , and maintains an active role within the national ACP agenda working collaboratively with other HEI's and the NHS.

Mark completed his PhD in 2023 at LJMU. Mark's research interests are HIV Pharmacology , Adherence, Deteriorating patient and his methodology interest is located in Qualitative and specifically phenomenology and generic research.


2023, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2012, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice
2005, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Dip. HE, Accident and Emergency Nursing
2004, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons), HIV Pharmacology
1998, University of Roehampton, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons), HIV patients adherence to HAART.


2018, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Non- Medical Prescribing (Independent &Supplementary prescribing)
2000, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, Care and management of the chemotherapy patient ENB- N59
1993, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, ENB-998 Teaching and Assessing in Clinical Practice
1992, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, EN/RGN Conversion Course
1991, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, ENB 234/ 237 Oncology Nursing
1988, Carshalton School of Nursing, Enrolled Nurse Training
1988, Charing Cross Hospital, United Kingdom, ENB 934 HIV course

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer, Advanced Practice, University of Chester, 2020 - 2023
Visiting Senior Lectuer, Nursing and Allied health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2008 - 2017


Dalton M. 2023. Understanding the process of nurses’ recognition and response to patient deterioration Hayes J-A, Malin A, Leavey C, Harrison J. Public Url

Journal article

Dalton M, Harrison J, Malin A, Leavey C. 2018. Factors that influence nurses' assessment of patient acuity and response to acute deterioration. British Journal of Nursing, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dalton MA. 2013. Perceptions of the advanced nurse practitioner role in a hospital setting British Journal of Nursing, 22 :48-53 DOI Publisher Url

Khoo SH, Lloyd J, Dalton M, Bonington A, Hart E, Gibbons S, Flegg P, Sweeney J, Wilkins EGL, Back DJ. 2006. Pharmacologic Optimization of Protease Inhibitors and Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (POPIN)-A Randomized Controlled Trial of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Adherence Support JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 41 :461-467 DOI Publisher Url

Walsh JC, Horne R, Dalton M, Burgess AP, Gazzard BG. 2001. Reasons for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy: Patients' perspectives provide evidence of multiple causes AIDS Care, 13 :709-720 DOI Publisher Url

Dalton M, Walsh J. Dalton, M. Walsh JC, et al (1998) Patient Health beliefs associated with adherence in Highly Active Anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). AIDS.Vol 12. Supp 4: Poster 185. AIDS, 12

Dalton M, Walsh J. Walsh.JC, Dalton.M et al (1998) Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Arch. Intern.Med. 150: 1881-1884. Arch. Intern.Med, 150 :1881-1881

Dalton M, walsh J, Gazzard BG. Walsh JC, Dalton M, Gazzard BG. (1998) Adherence to combination Anti-retroviral therapy assessed by anonymous patient self report. AIDS.12:2361-2362. AIDS, 12 :2361-2362

Dalton M. Dalton.M. (2003) Lipodystrophy & Altered Body Image: A review of the current literature from a nursing perspective. HIV Nursing Journal. Winter. 13-14. HIV Nursing, :13-14

Dalton M, Almond L. Intracellular and plasma pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2 :132-42

Conference publication

Dalton M. Dalton. M (2012) Advanced Nursing Practice. Royal Liverpool Hospital audit competition. Internal audit paper, Vol 2 no2,pp3-6.

Dalton M. 5th Annual conference National HIV Nurses Association. Brighton. Pharmacological (2003) Optimisation of PI and NNRTI (POPIN) - Case studies of 4 patients receiving a nurse led service.

Dalton M. . 5th Annual conference National HIV Nurses Association. Brighton Lipodystrophy and Altered (2003) Body Image: A review of the current literature from a nursing perspective. National HIV Nurses Association

Dalton M, Ludden F. Improving patient outcomes in cardiothoracic nursing: service collaboration between HaN and ITU Outreach. 7th Annual Meeting Cardiovascular Nursing, Manchester, 23-24 March 2007. Annual Meeting Cardiovascular Nursing

Dalton M, Townsend K, Graham D. Dalton, M. Townsend, K. Graham, D. (2022) Implementing ACP training programme within an acute NHS Trust. HEE’s Centre for Advancing Practice Conference 2022 – Empowering People, Transforming Care, 7th and 10th of November.
