Kagiso Tlhabano-David
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: K.N.Tlhabano@2016.ljmu.ac.uk
PhD project title: Investigating Self-talk Awareness, Beliefs, Usage and Influences: Implications for Effective Skill-Targeted Self-Talk Interventions
The project initially examines how self-talk influences sport performance by looking at current randomised control and counterbalanced studies. Thereafter the project will investigate Batswana amateur boxer's self-talk awareness, beliefs and usage with the view to inform a tailored self-talk intervention for those boxers. The third study of the PhD project will explore influences of coaching behaviours on Batswana boxer's self-talk content and use, also with the view to inform the final study. Finally, the project will develop and implement a 10 weeks tailored skill-targeted self-talk intervention for individual Batswana boxers with during, post and follow up trials.
This project is funded by Commonwealth Scholarships Commission, UK Government.
Kagiso is a qualified Counselling Psychologist pursuing a PhD in Sport Psychology. Her interest in working with athletes and in sports science research is recent and was kindled by volunteer work with boxers and women footballers at club and national levels. Kagiso’s clinical experience comprises working in government and non-governmental mental health services in Australia and Botswana. She has taught at the University of Botswana’s Psychology Department, the institution where she is a Career Counsellor but currently on study leave. Kagiso is passionate about the practice of psychology and sport science research and envisions a future as a Practitioner-Researcher or in academic research.
2006, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Master of Counselling Psychology
2004, Bond University, Australia, Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology
2003, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology
Academic appointments
Lecturer, Psychology, University of Botswana, 2011 - 2013
Tlhabano-David K. 2023. Investigating Self-Talk Use Among Batswana Boxing Athletes: Implications For Tailored Skill-Targeted Self-Talk Interventions Tod D, Eubank M, Knowles Z. Public Url
Monteiro NM, Tlhabano KN. 2019. Treating Pain in Botswana: Exploring Doctors’ Perspectives on Patient Experiences Pain without Boundaries: Inquiries across Cultures :123-132 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Pheko MM, Monteiro N, Tlhabano KN, Mphele SBM. 2014. Rural-to-urban migrations: Acculturation experiences among university students in Botswana International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19 :306-317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tlhabano KN, Schweitzer R. 2007. A Qualitative Study of the Career Aspirations of Resettled Young Sudanese and Somali Refugees Journal of Psychology in Africa, 17 :13-21 DOI Publisher Url