Upcoming CMCH Events

Throughout the academic year, the Centre for Modern and Contemporary History (CMCH) runs a schedule of public-facing events involving CMCH members and guest speakers from other institutions. Our schedule for 2023-2024 is as follows:


Book Launch - 25 Oct 2023

Waterstones, Liverpool One @ 6pm

Gillian O'Brien launches the paperback edition of her Irish Times bestseller, The Darkness Echoing: Ireland's Places of Famine, Death and Rebellion.


History Talks - 26 Oct 2023

JFB/G.13 @ 6pm

Olga Khomenko (University of Oxford) - "Ukrainians and the History of Forced Migration: Diaspora in Asia, 1917-1945".


History Talks - 5 Dec 2023

JFB/G.15 @ 5pm

David Clampin, Lucie Matthews Jones, Klara Arnberg (Stockholm University) and Nikloas Glover (Uppsala University) - "The Presence of Christmas Past".


History Talks - 20 Feb 2024

Venue and time TBA

Margot Tudor (University of Exeter) and Anna Bocking-Welch (University of Liverpool) - "United Nations Intervention and De-Colonisation".


History Talks - 19 Mar 2024

Venue and time TBA

Susan Grant, Tom Rees and Matt Rendle (University of Exeter) - "Researching and Writing the History of Communism Today".


Book Launch - 2 May 2024

Venue and time TBA

Kate Ballantyne launches Radical Volunteers: Dissent, Desegregation and Student Power in Tennessee.