Being Lean and Seen events
Past events
April 2018
Association for Project Management/LJMU Research Showcase in Project Management Research
Download the poster from this event.
May 2018
Organisational Learning and Knowledge Capabilities Annual Conference 2018
Oral presentation by Dr Martin Rost and Eva Sonnenmoser, University of Stuttgart: Social networking of R&D middle managers in the automotive industry to facilitate ambidexterity
Martin Rost, Eva Sonnenmoser, Birgit Renzl
Ambidexterity – to balance exploitation and exploration activities and to connect them – is a big challenge for organisations. Linking exploitation and exploration activities is mainly a task of the top management team, but networking activities of other groups like managers in R&D can be very important, too. However, it is unclear, which contacts managers use in order to contribute to exploitation and exploration activities. The findings from three case studies in the automotive industry in Western Europe show that ego-networks used for exploration activities were more heterogeneous than those used for exploitation.
July 2018
Panel debate 4.7.2018 for BuildOffSite Residential Hub event, The Height of Design. LJMU's Liverpool Business School and the RISE project were delighted to host this prestigious event and presented current innovative PM research as well as taking part in a lively panel debate about the influence of technology within projects, the challenges of stakeholder interaction and the opportunities for lean and agile working now and in the future. Take a look at a round-up of the event.
October 2018
On behalf of WP2 (Trends & Challenges) and WP3 (Lean Project Management) WP2, Professor David Bryde and Jane Dowson presented initial results of Phase 1 research undertaken in relevant to the Construction Industry, at the Liverpool and Merseyside branch of Constructing Excellence at Liverpool’s iconic Sensor City building.
Professor Jürgen Volm, Drees and Sommer, delivered an oral presentation at the 2nd International Annual Knowledge Forum in Germany. VDI Wissensforum is the leading provider of further education and training for engineers, technical specialists and managers in Germany. Professor Volm, provided expert advice and guidance from WP3 on Lean Construction Project Management & Leadership, entitled: From What to Why, creating successful changes in Construction projects using Lean Construction.
November 2018
A Literature Review Paper was presented by Dr Amin Akhavan Tabassi for the 7th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries, Sarawak, Malaysia, on behalf of WP2 team members from the University Sains Malaysia, and Liverpool John Moores University, entitled Challenges for Project Management in the 21st Century. This paper has also been selected for inclusion in a book of chapters, scheduled for publication in 2019.
Jane Dowson presented work from her PhD and WP3 from interviews conducted with Lean Project Managers at the 2nd APM Research Symposium, held in Manchester. This event facilitated open and interactive discussions between researchers looking for useful topics to research and practitioners facing real issues in the workplace. Researchers present in three different ways to a variety of members: Twenty minute oral presentation, poster and also one minute pitch to industry.
January 2019
Professor David Bryde presented at the London APM-Pharmaceutical Industry Project Management Group meeting on the Trends and Challenges on Project Management, and dealing with Relational Risk. Full paper publication forthcoming in Journal of Production, Planning and Control.
March 2019
University of Stuttgart team members Dr Martin Rost and Christian Mahringer provided guest lectures to LJMU on Facilitating Ambidexterity by temporary organizational structures and Routines and open-ended software development processes – An ethnographic study in Scrum teams. Students and staff enjoyed hearing about research from an international context and discussed ways in which this was similar and different to the UK context within Projects and Project Management.
May 2019
RISE goes state-side to the 30th Annual Production and Operations Management Society conference POMS2019. Professor David Bryde (LJMU) and Dr Roula Michaelides (MMU) presented our latest research findings for WP2, WP3 and WP5.
Lean Construction Management Masterclass
LJMU and Refine Projects provided a limited number of places to project managers working in and allied to the construction industry on 20 May in Liverpool. Process optimisation, collaborative planning and added value were the key themes of the day.
June 2019
Dr Hannah Wilson and Jane Dowson were in Lisbon, Portugal presenting research from WP2 and WP3 at the main conference and its Doctoral Colloquium.
September 2019

Jane Dowson presented research insights paper from WP3 and her PhD and along with team member Dr Moataz Al Hilou and, accepted a Highly Commended award from Associate Professor Claire Lindsay of the BAM Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Special Interest Group
11th SKM (Strategic Competence Management) Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, hosted by Professor Birgit Renzl and Dr Martin Rost at the University of Stuttgart on the Agile Organisation – Adaptive strategies, inspiring leaders and flexible structures - celebrated its milestone 20th year with an impressive line-up of speakers. Take a look at the conference features and pictures.