Contact Faces of Merseyside

Get in touch with us

Faces of Merseyside was produced with research funding from the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies.

About Face Lab

Face Lab is a research group within ART Labs, a Liverpool John Moores University Research Centre in the Liverpool School of Art and Design. Face Lab, led by the Director Professor Caroline Wilkinson, carries out craniofacial research and forensic and archaeological consultancy work, including craniofacial analysis, facial depiction and forensic art.

Face Lab would like to thank the Special Collections and Archives of Liverpool John Moores University for access to the Keith Medley and Everyman Theatre collections.

You can contact Face Lab via email or telephone on the details below or fill in the form to send us a message. We are based at:

Face Lab logoIC1 Liverpool Science Park
131 Mount Pleasant
L3 5TF

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