
Our guide for placement providers

The Faculty of Science Placement Learning Support Unit works with a large variety of organisations to provide placements to our students. We want to work with you to provide high-quality students for placement opportunities. When students are on placement with you, their primary responsibility is to you and your organisation.

Dedicated Faculty staff who act as Academic Placement Tutors and the Placement Learning Support Unit are available to support you with the placement administration at each stage. All students will have a Learning Agreement that meets the needs of the organisation, the students and the university. If you would like more information or to discuss taking on a placement student, please get in touch with the Placement Learning Support Unit.

“Our student has developed into a key member of our team. She has always had a willingness to learn and work, and over the course of the placement has become self-starting and shares her own ideas as part of various project teams. She has gained many transferable skills including organisation, communication, team work and leadership. In terms of specific achievements, she has gained skills in formulating, stability testing and in building new testing capabilities.”

– Emma Cooban
Performance Evaluation Specialist, Arxada