Astrophysics Research Institute

One of the world's leading authorities in astronomy and astrophysics

Our work encompasses a comprehensive programme of observational and theoretical research, telescope operation and instrument development, academic learning and outreach activities.

We are providing world-leading research using data gathered from observing facilities across the globe and predictions from supercomputer simulations. We own, operate and maintain the world’s largest fully robotic telescope – the Liverpool Telescope, sited on La Palma in the Canary Islands.

Find out more about the Institute by exploring the links on this page.

The ARI welcome applications from candidates interested in applying for personal research fellowships. Please find more details about available research fellowships here.

Why study astrophysics at LJMU?

A degree in astrophysics from Liverpool John Moores University is highly recommended by your peers. Student satisfaction rates in this area are at an impressive 100% (Integrated Masters) and 98% (Undergraduate).

Students benefit from unique learning opportunities:

  • We offer a joint degree programme (in both BSc and MPhys) alongside the University of Liverpool, giving students access to the expertise and facilities across two universities.
  • Our undergraduate programmes include a field trip to the Canary Islands to operate a number of professional telescopes.
  • We offer a distance learning MSc in Astrophysics.
  • Our undergraduate and MSc Astrophysics programmes include remote use of the Liverpool Telescope.
  • We also offer an MSc in Data Science.

Find out what courses you can take.

Our research areas

Take an in-depth look at our areas of expertise:

  • Galaxy formation and evolution
  • Time domain astrophysics
  • Astronomical Technology
  • Computational and theoretical galaxy formation
  • Star formation and stellar populations

The future is what you make it

Watch the video to give you a taste of what we do in the Astrophysics Research Institute.

Inspiring children into science

Our outreach projects are hugely popular, especially with school children.

The Schools’ Observatory – has been a big success with 2,500 schools, 15,000 pupils, across the UK and Ireland making 100,000 astronomical observations per year. Using the online tool children can explore the heavens from their own classroom by remotely accessing the world’s largest fully-robotic telescope, known as the Liverpool Telescope. The programme helps schools to overcome some of the barriers to engaging children in science, technology and mathematics lessons and its success has been recognised by the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee as “so important to inspiring the next generation of scientists”.


student satisfaction rate for our Masters programmes


of our research is rated world-leading or internationally excellent (REF 2021)

Top 5

physics department in research output quality (REF 2021)