Criteria and assessment for academic promotion

Before making an application, you are strongly advised to review the promotional criteria and associated list of examples of the types of activity which could be used to support your application.

Please note:
This list is not exhaustive, and you are welcome to add your own relevant evidence that may not be included here.

Assessment panels will look for evidence of where an applicant can demonstrate an excellent and sustained level of contribution and achievement in the respect of the criteria for promotion in the following categories:

  • Teaching and Learning.
  • Research and Knowledge Exchange.
  • Leadership and Citizenship.

It is acknowledged that some assessment criteria will be more appropriate to some disciplines/pathways than others and applicants will not be expected to provide evidence for all criteria.

There is flexibility within the process to allow for roles with differing degrees of emphasis on Teaching and Learning, Research and Knowledge Exchange, and Leadership and Citizenship and assessment panels will consider each application on its own merits and base their judgements accordingly.

Download Criteria for promotion to grade 8 (Word, 47.8KB)