Why study this course with LJMU?
- 91% of students surveyed said the teaching staff were good at explaining things (National Student Survey 2024)
- Hands-on research methods
- WATCH: Hear from Sociology graduate Cora about her journey since finishing her degree
- Teaching from leading scholars who have published books and articles on many topics, including the sociology of global football, the life and work of Max Weber, the shifting politics of race and racism, and gender divisions in Nepali society
- Study unique pathways that reflect the diversity of the discipline and student interest, including the sociology of culture, social inequalities, social policy and global issues
- Training in core methods and sociological theory
- An international perspective
- Work placement opportunities in teaching, charities, tourism, the media, creative and heritage industries
About your course
BA (Hons) Sociology at LJMU is a varied degree, which offers a unique opportunity to undertake a contemporary, critical and sector-leading programme of study. The degree will develop your research skills and help you explore alternate ideas and respect points of view that may be contrary to your own, including providing core training in sociological methods and theory.
The Sociology degree provides a balance of core and optional modules, delivering a thorough grounding in theory and method, alongside cutting-edge and emerging theoretical and methodological approaches. The programme endeavours to recognise the history and legacy of sociology while also developing its insights to contemporary and emerging problems.
You can choose to follow your own pathway by selecting modules that contribute to a theme or themes including social divisions and inequality, social policy, culture, and globalisation. At the same time, individual modules contribute to more than one pathway given the intersection of various themes (e.g. the globalisation of culture), and because social variables such as class, age, disability, gender, beliefs and ideologies operate in society at all times with different impacts.
The opportunities to consider societies other than the UK, and to do so in some depth in a variety of modules means that the curriculum is international in focus. It also provides unique opportunities to study in South Asian societies, to participate in study exchanges in other countries in Europe and beyond, or to undertake supervised field visits. Previous field visits have taken place in Brussels and Nepal, for example.
The teaching of well-established and emerging theory is combined with core training in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and balances 'action research' with other forms of social enquiry. In the final year, research method teaching embraces more recent methodological innovations including visual and sensory approaches.
The modules offered on the degree reflect the sociological work undertaken by members of staff, and are inspired by their research and contributions to national and international debates. This ensures that the curriculum is up-to-date, peer reviewed and engaged with contemporary issues and approaches. In the final year, all optional modules are designed to encourage you to make your own enquiries into relevant questions and issues. For example, you could choose to study contemporary issues and work closely with staff in areas such as the sociology of religion, of music or sport, disability, radical social policy, gender studies, emotions and aesthetics, and benefit from the departmental expertise in South East Asian societies. You will also have the opportunity to study a topic of your own choice in depth by choosing to write a dissertation.
Course modules
What you will study on this degree
Further guidance on modules
Modules are designated core or optional in accordance with professional body requirements, as applicable, and LJMU’s Academic Framework Regulations. Whilst you are required to study core modules, optional modules provide you with an element of choice. Their availability may vary and will be subject to meeting minimum student numbers.
Where changes to modules are necessary these will be communicated as appropriate.
Core modules
Sociological Imaginations
20 credits
20 credits
Through a history of sociology, explored through its major thinkers and their texts and activities, from the origins of the discipline to modern times, this module enables you to investigate the nature of the sociological vocation and the range of sociological imaginations developed by individual sociological thinkers and institutional schools of sociology. You will explore how sociology both reflects and critically engages with its social and cultural context and major historical events and processes, which it seeks to understand and often seeks to change. The ways in which sociology draws on, but also distances itself from, other forms of knowing, including theological, literary, biological, historical, psychological and visual imaginations, is kept in mind throughout and encountered in the selected texts on the module.
Contemporary Social and Green Issues
20 credits
20 credits
This module enables you to examine contemporary social and environmental issues of prominence and it will demonstrate the contribution of different sociological approaches to your understanding. It will become apparent that a key strength of sociology is its diverse and challenging interpretations of social and green issues.
Introduction to Sociology
20 credits
20 credits
This module introduces students to the discipline of sociology, covering both classic and contemporary research as applied to issues of contemporary debate.
After completing the module the student should be able to:
- Reach informed judgements about the value of classic and contemporary approaches to sociology.
- Use their sociological imaginations to consider contemporary issues.
- Draw on the basic skills required for effective study and learning.
Becoming a Sociological Investigator
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module you should be able to:
- Identify and reflect upon the following aspects of self-awareness in respect of personal development and career planning: strengths and weaknesses, motivations and values, ability to work with others.
- Design a qualitative research design.
- Collect and present qualitative data.
- Reflect on their experience of designing a qualitative research project.
- Reflect on their experience of collecting and presenting qualitative data.
Cultural Sociology
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module you should be able to:
- Clearly situate the development of sociology in relation to culture.
- Differentiate between a range of approaches to the sociological analysis of artwork, cultural texts and practices.
- Examine and analyse a chosen case study cultural text.
Global Inequalities and Society
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module you should be able to:
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the complexities of defining 'globalization' according to a variety of competing perspectives.
- Explain the causes and consequences that a key global issue poses to society.
- Examine the impact of alternative responses to a key global issue.
- Develop group work and visual presentation skills essential for the workplace.
Core modules
Researching British Society
20 credits
20 credits
In this module you will learn to understand, evaluate and analyse the merits and shortcomings of secondary data analysis of a large quantitative dataset, downloadable from the UK Data Archive. You will use these skills to generate sociological arguments based upon a large dataset.
Knowing the Modern World
20 credits
20 credits
This module explores the development of sociological theory and specifically considers how both classical and contemporary theory enables the understanding of current social issues and debates. Through an exploration of a diverse range of social issues including precarious employment, racism, the role of social solidarity in communities, mental health, surveillance discourses, the impact of technologies on human experiences and many more, you will develop your own theoretical analysis and better appreciate the various issues and tensions within key thinkers work.
Research in Action
20 credits
20 credits
In this module you will develop a range of essential qualitative research skills to undertake and reflect upon problem solving research within a supportive environment. The module builds on the EBL in Level 4 and enhances your abilities to engage in research activities. The module includes a short field trip to apply methods in 'the real world' developing the transferable skills. For students who are intending to write a dissertation at Level 6, this module provides an essential grounding.
Critical Theory and Us
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module, you should be able to:
- Use approaches within social and critical theory to explore modern and contemporary experiences and phenomena.
- Assess and respond to competing perspectives within critical theory.
- Explain the emergence of key strands of modern critical theory within historical and epistemic context.
Optional Modules
The Medicalised Body: the Sociology of Health and Illness
20 credits
20 credits
The first section of this module introduces you to the key areas in the sociology of health and illness, bringing together the contribution of different perspectives and methodological approaches which characterise sociological research in this area. It will allow you to understand the dominance of the biomedical model and how it has come to attempt to define experiences of health and illness. A sociological orientation will allow you to understand the importance of the social context in shaping the health of the nation. The second section will introduce you to the concept of medicalisation and we will use this lens to interrogate the ways in which bodies are 'othered', compartmentalised and differently treated. The related field of 'healthism' will further be explored and you will be challenged to consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of such processes in relation to the perceptions and treatment of certain bodies.We will use case studies of particular embodied experiences which will uncover the relationship some bodies have with nature, technology, society and structures that expose regimes of discipline, regulation, normalisation and surveillance. Students will have the opportunity to build on some of these themes at level 6 in modules Body Politics.
Study Year Abroad Sociology
120 credits
120 credits
The aim is to provide students with an additional year of study at an approved overseas partner that will complement their programme at LJMU. This is an additional year of full-time study at an approved higher education institution. The modules to be studied must be agreed in advance, and must be appropriate for the student's programme of study. Assuming successful completion of this year, mark-bearing credit will be awarded by the Faculty Recognition Group. The grade conversion scale to be used will be made available in advance of the year abroad.
Politics and Popular Culture
20 credits
20 credits
This module enables you to explore politics and popular culture as a sub-field that articulates the ways in which politics is understood through popular culture. It demonstrates how theory as a means of making sense of the world impacts upon the everyday. It provides you with an opportunity to take ownership over your learning process through student-led seminars, guided by preceding interactive lectures.
Study Semester Abroad Sociology
60 credits
60 credits
The aim is to provide students with a semester of study at an approved overseas partner that will replace one semester of their LJMU programme at level 5.This is a semester of full-time study at an approved higher education institution which will replace one semester of level 5 study at LJMU. The modules to be studied must be agreed in advance, and must be an appropriate substitute for the modules being replaced. Assuming successful completion of this semester, mark-bearing credit will be awarded by the Faculty Recognition Group. The grade conversion scale to be used will be made available in advance of the year abroad.
International Organisations
20 credits
20 credits
This module enables you to explore the roles and relations of international organisations through a thematic approach. This will allow you to engage with key organisations focussing on broader themes of international politics, such as aid and development, health, security and the environment. This approach will allow you to engage with core debates and explore the roles of a multitude of organisations.
Musical Identities: Sociological Perspectives
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module you should be able to:
- Utilise sociological perspectives on musical identities to place them within their historical and sociocultural contexts.
- Explain the connections between music and people's diverse identities via concrete case examples.
- Explain the role of music in expressing, reflecting and modelling diverse individual and group identities, including marginalised identities.
Sociology at Work 1
20 credits
20 credits
After completing the module you should be able to:
- Understand how sociological perspectives can be applied to enhance employability and careers.
- Evaluate a range of sociological theories on work.
- Reflect on the employability skills gained during the course and how to negotiate a sociology related work placement.
Tech-Topia: Social Media, Power and Activism
20 credits
20 credits
Module Overview: This module offers students a chance to examine the social significance of digital media in contemporary society. Beginning with an overview of the relationship between media and social change, the first part focuses on capitalism in its communicative form and develops a broad critique of digital power and inequality. The second part looks at the challenges encountered by social movements in contesting inequality by way of digital activism. A sample of research case studies will be considered as a means of evaluating the impact of online activism on participative democracy (eg. BLM). The third part of the module will be dedicated to combining theory, practice and social critique, offering the students a chance to develop a ‘guerrilla’ documentary praxis in producing a short activist documentary of their own.
Optional Modules
Crime, Horror and the Media
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will develop critical, analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the textual and contextual study of crime and horror in the media. You will begin to identify and critically evaluate the social and cultural roots of given examples of crime and horror media. You will develop a critical understanding of crime and horror media and the historical and industrial contexts of their production and consumption
Dissertation in Sociology
40 credits
40 credits
This module provides you with an opportunity to develop your own sociological specialism by conducting an extended, in-depth study on a freely chosen topic in sociology. You will plan and design an extended piece of academic work and present the completed work as a written dissertation whilst demonstrating a detailed and critical understanding of a relevant field of sociological enquiry. You will be supported through group seminars to successfully complete the dissertation and will work with a staff supervisor to develop a critical understanding of your research topic.
Challenging Western-centrism in International Relations
20 credits
20 credits
This module is designed with the understanding that our extant historical knowledge (which is implicitly Eurocentric) needs to be globalised. It means the non-western world should be better weighted and given due attention rather than seen as a passive receiver of western impacts. It emphasises a lot on the historically situated forces in the making of non-western world of ideas and, more importantly, their connections and complex relationships.
International Fieldwork in Sociology
20 credits
20 credits
This module provides the opportunity for you to undertake independent guided study on a topic, congruent with the aims and themes of the programme within an international context. You will also further develop a wide range of study skills in the process such as working in small groups, writing reflective blog posts, considering the ethics of blogging and social media and applying sociological concepts and ideas to an international setting. The module has a compulsory international fieldwork element incorporated which provides the backdrop to your study focus.
Sport, Crime and Politics: Critical Sociological Analyses
20 credits
20 credits
This module adopts various sociological and critical criminological approaches in the understanding of sport in contemporary societies. You will look at issues relating to recent transformations, prejudices and cultural cohesion in the world of sport, focusing in particular on developments relating to issues such as racism, nationalism, globalisation and gender prejudice. The module will also be centrally concerned with the transformation of sport in the light of ongoing changes to a consumerist society.
Body Politics: Gender, Sexuality and Society
20 credits
20 credits
In this module you will explore sociological and feminist debates around the body, gender and sexuality. You will engage with ideas which challenge the normative representations and 'taken for granted ideas' around body shape and image, gender and sexualities. It covers topics such as body modification, beauty, pornography, sex work, trans* identities and violences against the body.
Cultural Sociology of Music
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to explain to you the place of music in society, using sociological theory to unlock the codes and secrets of musical culture and society. It is based on the premise that music is a social product, social resource and social practice. In doing so, the module focuses on the relationship between music and social life through a wide range of topics, including music as representation, the economy of music, the relationship between musical taste and social divisions, the political role of music, music as self-expression and political resistance, the changing media forms and technologies of sound production, the therapeutic potential of music, and more. In exploring these themes, you will consider all forms of musicpopular, classical, folk and worldto reflect the vitality of musical expressions in the world today.
Securing Spaces: Security and Places in the Modern World
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will explore the contested concepts and practices of security in the twenty-first century. You will engage with existing debates in the fields of international relations, security studies and critical security studies. Alongside this, you will also be introduced to the socio-spatial implications of contemporary security governance. Exploring the impact of external security developments on urban places and environments such as cities, built environments and crowded spaces.
Visual Sociology
20 credits
20 credits
This module encourages students to think sociologically about the role of visual images and representation in social life, and be able to sociologically analyse and explain the role and meaning of representations.
Sociology at Work 2
20 credits
20 credits
This module provides students about to embark on their working lives with the opportunity to undertake a self-directed work placement relevant to the study of Sociology.
The aim is that students will be able to identify, assess and reflect upon how their skills and abilities transfer from their academic studies to the world of work and how these skills and abilities have been enhanced via their work placement.
The module also offers students opportunities to reflect on the links between their work placement experience and their programme of study.
Mediating Diversity
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to equip you to explore, interpret, and analyse representations of diversity and diverse identities in the media. The module will present a range of themes and topics alongside case studies of media and cultural texts that represent and mediate key issues in contemporary culture to enable students to critically engage with diverse representations in media, culture and communication texts. Case studies will be used to explore key themes and issues. These currently include: representations of democracy in the UK/US; reporting conflict(s); representing Pride & LGBTQIA Communities; femininities & masculinities; the Black Lives Matter movement; #MeToo and gender power relations; disability and migration.
Fear and Loathing: the politics and aesthetics of aversive emotion
20 credits
20 credits
This module will begin by examining major philosophical and theoretical approaches to the study of emotions. Thereafter the module will examine a series of case studies in aversive emotions such as fear, hate, anger, and disgust. By the end of the module, students will have a strong understanding of the ways in which we might approach the analysis of emotions, and will have covered a range of contemporary cases allowing them to unpick the politics and aesthetics of aversive emotion.
20 credits
20 credits
This module will equip students to discuss cities, urban processes and urban futures from a critical and sociological perspective. It will enhance their understanding of the nature, origins and consequences of urban issues. This module studies cities from a sociological perspective and is structured according to 3 main parts. Firstly, students will gain insights into the origins of urban sociology, especially its significance for the emergence of sociology as an academic discipline. We will read and discuss foundational texts and theories in early urban sociology. The second part of the module, will study the nature of urban politics focusing on questions of power and capital in the urban environment. The last part of the module, interrogates several urban issues and their relationship to sociological categories such as class, gender, race and more. The emphasis of the module is not just that student engage with complex theories and texts but also that student are able to develop alternative approaches and solutions to conflicts and issues that play out in the urban environment. Students are also encouraged to apply these theories to Liverpool and seek out examples and sites in our immediate urban environment that illustrate these points.
Imagined Communities: The Sociology of Nationalism
20 credits
20 credits
Module Overview: This module will give students the opportunity to engage with the dominant political ideology of our time, and draw a critical awareness to it and how it operates. The module begins by introducing students to the notion of everyday nationalism, helping to see the way nationalism is embedded in daily life, and then follows this with a discussion of the main theoretical approaches to nationalism. The second block will then consider some major approaches to nationalism, giving students the opportunity to consider how nationalism interacts with other major social categories and aspects of contemporary life. Finally, we will look at some case-studies that engage with historical and contemporary issues that provide an overview of how nationalism can be critically examined to understand the contemporary world, and how it came to be.
Your Learning Experience
Excellent facilities and learning resources
We adopt an active blended learning approach, meaning you will experience a combination of face-to-face and online learning during your time at LJMU. This enables you to experience a rich and diverse learning experience and engage fully with your studies. Our approach ensures that you can easily access support from your personal tutor, either by meeting them on-campus or via a video call to suit your needs.
Teaching is delivered via lectures, seminars, workshops, online activities, audio-visual presentations and field work trips. Online discussion boards allow you to debate, with your tutors and peers, ideas that arise in the classroom. Outside the classroom you will have 24 hour access to extensive electronic resources via the LJMU network and print resources available in the nearby Aldham Robarts Library.
Work-related Learning
Opportunities for work-based and work-related learning are integrated into the programme. This will offer you the chance to put what you have learnt into practice as well as providing new skills and experiences. It will also add real value to your CV, giving you a professional edge when you come to negotiate your way through the graduate job market.
Careers events and information on volunteering opportunities are incorporated into core modules and you will have the option to undertake placements at Level 6.
Dedicated personal tutor, plus study skills support
If you study Sociology at LJMU, you will join a friendly and stimulating environment in which you will be encouraged to achieve your full potential in your academic work, personal and intellectual development, and your future career. We pride ourselves on the informal and supportive relationships we have with our students.
You will be assigned a personal tutor who will be responsible for your academic and personal progress throughout the course. Along with this scheduled one-to-one support, you will receive regular feedback and guidance from your module tutors on your research, writing and study skills.
Assessment varies depending on the modules you choose, but will usually include a combination of exams and coursework.
We understand that all students perform differently depending on the way they are assessed, and so we use a range of traditional and innovative assessment methods. These include essays, exams, reports, individual and group presentations, policy analyses, online tests, wikis and critical reviews.
Constructive feedback on your assessed work is designed to help you achieve your full potential and get the most out of your studies. Your tutors will provide this in writing, by email or in face-to-face meetings where they will help you identify your strengths as well as the areas where you may need to put in more work. They can also direct you to further support if you feel you need it.
Where you will study
What you can expect from your School
The School of Humanities and Social Science offers an ideal environment in which to expand your knowledge and horizons. Situated on Mount Pleasant in the new ‘Knowledge Quarter ' of Liverpool, the School is home to five subject areas: English, History, International Relations, Sociology, and Media, Culture & Communication. It has a lively programme of cross-disciplinary research seminars, conferences, visits from international scholars and public events. Research from the School is recognised nationally and worldwide.
Course tutors

Dr David Tyrer
- Programme leader
I have always been interested in promoting international perspectives in my work and pursuing comparative work, often working with colleagues from overseas.
I have always been interested in promoting international perspectives in my work and pursuing comparative work, often working with colleagues from overseas.
My research interests include Art and Social Studies. I am serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals and the member of many international affiliations.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Studying Sociology at LJMU presented interesting and engaging challenges across the three years. The diversity of both the core and option modules provided opportunities to pursue my personal interest areas further, whilst also discovering new ones. Staff offered first class support and were always happy to help. The highlight of the course was the unique opportunity to carry out research in real life and international settings.
Career paths
Each year, Sociology graduates enter a variety of professions and careers.
Our graduates find career opportunities in:
- social services
- local and national Government and the civil service
- youth work
- lecturing and teaching
- career guidance
- research
- journalism
- third sector advocacy
- think tanks
- policy development
Some go on to careers in police and probation services; human resource management; legal services; marketing and advertising; ICT development; business and finance; publishing; health services; health promotion and public health; ecology and environmental campaigning; and international development.
Sharing the outputs from Dignity Without Danger in Nepal
Dr Sara Parker, Sociology LJMU Co-presented two papers at the Annual Kathmandu Nepal and Himalaya Conference in July this summer. One paper reflected on the impact of the positionally of the research team on the research process whilst the other focused on the creative engagement and outputs developed as part of this research project exploring the complex menstrual stigmas and taboos in Nepal. Whilst in Nepal Sara was awarded the President International Education award for her contributions to education over her career. It was presented to her by Right Honourable Pampha Bhusal Member of the House of Representatives Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation who is very supportive of the menstruation network in Nepal.
This month Sara is co-presenting a paper and a poster at the International Visual Sociology Conference with Dr Sara Baumann, University of Pittsburgh, on the impact of the collaborative films produced as part of the DWD project - available on the DWD YouTube site along with 5 songs written by the women from Kanchanpur, Far West Nepal.
Student Futures - Careers, Employability and Enterprise Service
A wide range of opportunities and support is available to you, within and beyond your course, to ensure our students experience a transformation in their career trajectory. Every undergraduate curriculum includes Future Focus during Level 4, an e-learning resource and workshop designed to help you to develop your talents, passion and purpose.
Every student has access to Careers Zone 24/7, LJMU's suite of online Apps, resources and jobs board via the LJMU Student Futures website.
Tuition fees and funding
- Home full-time per year:
- £9,535
The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in accordance with any changes to the maximum allowable fees set by the UK Parliament. In the event of such a change, any fee increase will be subject to a maximum cap of 10% of the total course cost as originally stated at the time of your offer.
The fees quoted above cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as:
- library membership with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources
- access to programme-appropriate software
- library and student IT support
- free on-campus wifi via eduroam
Additional costs
Although not all of the following are compulsory/relevant, you should keep in mind the costs of:
- accommodation and living expenditure
- books (should you wish to have your own copies)
- printing, photocopying and stationery
- PC/laptop (should you prefer to purchase your own for independent study and online learning activities)
- mobile phone/tablet (to access online services)
- field trips (travel and activity costs)
- placements (travel expenses and living costs)
- student visas (international students only)
- study abroad opportunities (travel costs, accommodation, visas and immunisations)
- academic conferences (travel costs)
- professional-body membership
- graduation (gown hire etc)
There are many ways to fund study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you'll find all of the information you need on our specialist funding pages.
- International full-time per year:
- £17,750
International Scholarships and payment plans
Liverpool John Moores University is committed to supporting international students by providing a range of scholarships and flexible payment plans to help students manage their tuition fees.
LJMU provides a variety of scholarships to support international students. Scholarships are available to self-funded students who have accepted their offer and met all the conditions outlined in their offer letter. Students must also demonstrate that they can cover living costs, travel, and other expenses associated to studying at the university. Postgraduate scholarships include tuition fee reductions and are often offered in partnership with external funding organisations.
All self-funded international students are eligible for an automatic scholarship worth up to £4,000. For more details and to view our full list of scholarships, visit the international scholarship webpages.
All students must pay a £5,000 deposit before they can receive their CAS letter.
For more information view our deposit page.
Tuition Fee Payment Plan
After paying their £5,000 deposit, students have the option to pay their fees in full or in three equal instalments minus any internal scholarships and discounts. There are two payment options available for international students. You can either pay your tuition fees in full before enrolment or opt for a payment plan. With the payment plan, you can pay your fees in three instalments after making your £5,000 deposit. The first instalment is due before enrolment.
All payments should be made through Flywire. Full details can be found in the How to Pay Guide.
Early Bird Tuition Fee discount
We are excited to introduce a £500 Early Payment Discount to all self-funded international students. Eligible self-funded students who pay their fees by the required deadlines will get a discount which will be automatically deducted from the 1st year of tuition fees.
To see the required deadlines please visit the webpage
Entry requirements
Please choose your qualifications below to view requirements
Grades/points required from qualifications: BCC-BBB (104-120)
Work out how many UCAS points your qualifications are worth by visiting the UCAS Tariff Calculator.
Qualification requirements
GCSEs and equivalents
A levels
Number of A Levels: 2
Extended Diploma: DMM
Access awards
International Baccalaureate
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
OCR Cambridge Technical
Extended Diploma: DMM
Irish awards
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
T levels
Further information
DBS, Occupational Health requirements
Can this course be deferred?
Is a DBS check required?
International requirements
Please Note: All international qualifications are subject to a qualification equivalency check.
How to apply
Securing your place at LJMU
UCAS is the official application route for our full-time undergraduate courses. Further information on the UCAS application process can be found here https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/study/undergraduate-students/how-to-apply.
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The university reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the university. Where this does happen, the university operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.
Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.