BA (Hons) Criminology with Foundation Year

Entry year:
Start date:
Study mode:
Course duration:
4 years
Mount Pleasant
UCAS Code:
Grades/points required:
DDD-CDD (72-80)

Why study this course with LJMU?

  • 93% of students surveyed said academic support on this course was good or very good (National Student Survey 2024)
  • Opportunity to undertake international fieldwork visits to places such as Ljubljana, Slovenia and Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Excellent research-led teaching from academics who have published books and articles on topics such as Prisons, Children's Residential Homes, Protests, Child Exploitation, Gendered Justice, State Violence and The War on Terror
  • Opens up a diverse range of careers including probation work, youth justice, drug referral schemes, victim support, and police and prison services
  • A variety of voluntary work experience opportunities in places such as Criminal Justice agencies, Police and third sector organisations to enhance your graduate employability

About your course

The BA (Hons) Criminology at Liverpool John Moores University is taught by research active experts and offers exciting opportunities for international fieldwork.

This interdisciplinary BA course gives you the chance to look at criminology from the perspective of other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, political science, social policy, geography and history which gives deeper understanding of the broad subject of criminology.

This is a critical criminology degree which means we are interested in challenging the established rhetoric about crime and punishment in the role of the state and the state institutions and the everyday experience of punishment.

Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to develop your critical thinking skills by questioning what we mean by the terms crime, criminals, punishment and justice and you will have opportunities to undertake independent international criminological study under guided supervision.

On the field trips you will be comparing the criminal justice infrastructure of Slovenia or Sweden and the UK - allowing you to reflect on challenging global perspectives.

You will develop strong and applied quantitative research and qualitative research methods and skills which are essential key transferrable employability skills.

Foundation Year

The Foundation Year is ideal if you have the interest and ability to study for a degree, but do not have the qualifications to enter directly onto the Criminology honours degree programme yet.

Once you pass the Foundation Year (level 3) you will progress directly onto the first year of the honours degree. If you are a full-time UK student, you will qualify for student financial support for the full duration of your course (subject to eligibility criteria).

Course modules

What you will study on this degree

Further guidance on modules

Modules are designated core or optional in accordance with professional body requirements, as applicable, and LJMU’s Academic Framework Regulations. Whilst you are required to study core modules, optional modules provide you with an element of choice. Their availability may vary and will be subject to meeting minimum student numbers.

Where changes to modules are necessary these will be communicated as appropriate.

Core modules

Investigating Liverpool
20 credits

This module provides you with the necessary skills to develop a research project on the Liverpool City region from your particular subject perspective. You will explain academic research methods, write a coherent piece of academic work based on an understanding of Liverpool, and locate relevant research to support your project. The module will help you to develop an independent approach to learning.

Contemporary Issues in Security and Policing
20 credits

This module provides you with the opportunity to understand contemporary issues in security and policing. You will learn to identify contemporary themes in security and policing and how theory can help explain crime. Through your study you will understand the challenges to mainstream security and policing and develop the ability to express key ideas about security and policing in written form.

Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
20 credits

This module provides you with the opportunity to understand contemporary issues in Criminal Justice. It gives you a foundation-level knowledge of how Criminal Justice works in 21st-century England and Wales.

Crime, Justice and Diversity
20 credits

This module aims to raise your awareness of the different social factors which can impact on how crime is committed and against whom. The module also builds knowledge of the impact of social factors on crime, victimisation and criminal justice.

Society, Status and Social Policy
20 credits

This module provides a sociological context for students to understand the key contemporary social issues affecting the UK.

Core modules

An Introduction to Criminological Theory
20 credits

This module will introduce you to a core of key theoretical perspectives within criminology. You will be encouraged to reflect upon the ways in which different theoretical strands have attempted to explain crime and criminal behaviour. This will foster an understanding of the reasons for these differences and similarities between different theoretical approaches.

Criminology Into Action
20 credits

This module will help you to appreciate the requirements of studying at HE level within the context of the Criminology programme and to acquire such skills in a supportive environment and module structure. You will receive an induction into use of Library, JMU intranet, Canvas and other key aspects of studying at LJMU. This module aims to encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills.

Inside the Criminal Justice System
20 credits

This module will introduce you to the roles, agencies and institutions key to the operation of the Criminal Justice System. You will outline the decision-making mechanisms and how the Criminal Justice System operates in practice. Alongside this, you will also consider the range of possible outcomes arising from involvement with the Criminal Justice System and the impacts of this for individuals, groups and communities.

Contemporary Issues in Criminology
20 credits

This module will introduce you to a range of contemporary criminological issues and surrounding academic debates. You will be encouraged  to explore the different ways key thinkers have attempted to explain contemporary criminological issues. This includes recognition of key social divisions that pervade crime, harms and criminal justice.

Researching Crime and Justice
20 credits

This module will introduce you to a range of research methods used in criminological research, and their strengths and weaknesses. You will begin to understand the relationship between research, policy, and practice through the use of case studies based upon researchers' and practitioners' research experiences. This will emphasise the politicised nature of criminological research alongside the ethical and methodological challenges faced by criminological researchers

Media, Crime and Victimisation
20 credits

This module will introduce you to the main research and theoretical positions that have focused on the relationship between media and crime. Throughout the module you will have opportunities to improve your ability to evaluate and interpret media constructions and representations of crime, deviance and victimization. This will encourage you to reflect upon the role played by the media in constructing and representing crime and victimisation.

Core modules

Key Thinkers for Criminology
20 credits

This module will help you to critically evaluate the theoretical perspectives of a number of key thinkers in criminology. A review of existing literature will enable you to appreciate the intellectual histories of their work. In doing so, you will be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these theorists’ work for explaining crime and our responses to it.

Research Project in Criminology
20 credits

This module will develop your ability to critically think about the nature of criminological research and research problems. In doing so, you will be required to critically evaluate the principles, practice, politics and ethics of quantitative research methods in criminology.

Alongside this, the module intends to further support your professional development. This includes practise of widely used computer packages for quantitative data capture, analysis and reporting. As well as opportunities for group-work and collaborative research projects, with the intention to develop a viable and ethically sound research plan for future research.

Qualitative Research Methods
20 credits

This module will provide an introduction to a range of qualitative research methods. With the intention to foster your ability to undertake an ethically and procedurally sound research project. During this time, you will have the opportunity to improve your ability to work and communicate in a team. Completion of this module will empower you to design, collect, analyse and present qualitative data and findings carefully and with due regard for ethical procedures.

Contemporary Perspectives in Criminology
20 credits

This module will help you to understand the complexities of contemporary theoretical perspectives in criminology, moving beyond standard ‘textbook’ accounts of crime, deviance and/or social control. Using this knowledge you will be able to evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of contemporary accounts of crime and deviance in relation to their more established counterparts.

Optional Modules

Study Year Abroad - Criminology
120 credits

The aim is to provide students with an additional year of study at an approved overseas partner that will complement their programme at LJMU. This is an additional year of full-time study at an approved higher education institution. The modules to be studied must be agreed in advance, and must be appropriate for the student's programme of study. Assuming successful completion of this year, mark-bearing credit will be awarded by the Faculty Recognition Group. The grade conversion scale to be used will be made available in advance of the year abroad.

Criminology into Practice
20 credits

This module will help you to understand some of the connections between criminology and practice. It centres on talks from invited guest speakers to provide an insight into a range of contemporary issues in practice. As a result, you will be able to contextualise issues facing practitioners and employers in a range of fields relevant to criminology.

The module will also support your ability to reflect on your employability skills and access relevant employability resources and support.

Victims and Justice
20 credits

This module is concerned to address the substantive and growing criminological interest in the issue of victimization. It explores different theoretical perspectives associated with the study of victims and the victims place within regulatory and criminal justice practices. It will encourage students to critically explore the state's recognition of and responses, to victims and their demands for justice, along with the work of groups that campaign on behalf of particular groups of victims. The module will involve students' participating in interactive 2-hour workshops involving lecture input, small group activities and IT skills; attending tutorial (drop-in) sessions and receiving input from guest speakers who are experts in their fields.

Crimes and Harms of the Powerful
20 credits

This module intends to critically engage you with important questions around harm, responsibility, accountability and regulation. It seeks to explore how and why particular acts (or failures to act) by particular actors become viewed as ‘crimes’ worthy of criminal justice sanction, whilst others do not.

The module aims to apply the core concepts of harm, responsibility, accountability and regulation to the study of powerful people, groups and institutions. In doing so, it hopes to enhance your knowledge and understanding of social harm theory, the harms caused by state and state-corporate acts and omissions, the competing claims made around organisational and individual agency, and the problems and possibilities of different regulatory approaches.

Social Divisions and Social Justice
20 credits

During this module, you will explore criminological theory which examines criminalisation, management and punishment of social divisions. You will use case studies to illustrate the management of social divisions across the policy terrains of penology and social policy. Alongside this, you will explore the impacts of criminalisation and punishment on different social divisions and how social justice might be achieved.

Optional Modules

Dissertation – Part 1
20 credits

This module will ensure you develop a systematic understanding of the literature relevant to the object of study. You will then use this knowledge to develop a research proposal, complete the ethics form, and write the methodology chapter. 

Dissertation – Part 2
20 credits

This module intends to develop your ability to critically evaluate and interrogate a body of knowledge in a manner conforming to the tenets of disciplined, lucid and critical scholarship. During the module, you'll be expected to critically apply the literature and method developed in 6200CRIM during your data collection process. You will use the data (quantitative and/or qualitative) obtained from your research project to critically explore the subject of crime, harm, social divisions, and/or social change.

Green Criminology – Crimes and Harms to the Global Environment
20 credits

This module will explore how 'green' or environmental' crime is conceptualised and addressed within Criminology, and related disciplines. You will examine how 'green' or 'environmental' crimes are perpetrated and the harms it generates for victims and society. In doing so, you will be able to assess the relative success and failure of regulatory and criminal justice frameworks in addressing 'green' or 'environmental' crime and associated harms.

International Fieldwork in Criminology
20 credits

This module will provide you the opportunity to conduct a focused piece of critical independent work in an international context, under supervision, on an area congruent with the themes and substance of Criminology. The module will act as a vehicle for the improvement and development of a variety of transferable skills and abilities appropriate to the task in hand, from identification of appropriate topic/s through to the development of a viable study programme, and the presentation of a clear, coherent and robust piece of reflective written work. By participating in this module, you'll be encouraged to monitor and reflect critically on your own learning.

Police, Power and Social Order
20 credits

This module will encourage you to critically consider the exercise of police power and its relationship to ideas of social and political order and disorder. You will explore the origins of police, considering the development, expansion and transformation of policing in domestic, colonial and international settings. In doing so, you will foster a critical understanding of the policing of a range of marginalized, minority and dissenting/dissident populations.

Drugs, Intoxication and Society
20 credits

This module will help you to understand the social, historical and political constructions of matters related to drugs and intoxication. You will engage with on-going debates about drug control in local and international contexts. As a result, you will situate knowledge surrounding drugs and intoxication in their wider social/historical/political contexts, offering evidenced-based solutions to identified problems wherever possible.

Children and Young People 'at Risk'
20 credits

This module will critically explore the contemporary principles and perspectives surrounding children and young people 'at risk' in various contexts. You will assess how these principles and perspectives inform legal, policy and practice responses to children and young people 'at risk'. This understanding will help you to interrogate the debates that surround contemporary responses to children and young people 'at risk'.

Theorising Sexed Violence
20 credits

This module will increase your ability to critically discuss sex/gender questions in relation to violent interpersonal crime. You will engage in and explore Foucauldian discourse analysis and regimes of power, truth and knowledge via critical examples of discursive practice. You will use this knowledge to critically analyse legal responses to violence against women.

Power, Politics, and Human Rights
20 credits

This module was developed to provide a summative overview of the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of Human Rights. Participation in this module will enable you to examine the ideas, theories, and politics of global human rights, as well as evaluating the discrepancy between the theory and practice of human rights.

Crime Media Culture
20 credits

This module will aid your understanding of the multiple and complex links between crime, media and culture. Participation in the module will provide you with succinct knowledge as to how processes of 'cultural construction' are applied to a range of deviant/criminal sub-cultures. Alongside this, you will also have an opportunity to explore the growing criminological significance of a variety of new, popular and entertainment media.

Child and Youth Justice
20 credits

This module will explore how the emergence and development of the youth justice system has served to recognise the special case of the child in conflict with the law. You will examine how criminology has sought to conceptualise and address the Youth Justice System and its impacts on children's and young people's lives and life chances. This will enable you to evaluate the Youth Justice System's attempts to address the deviant, criminal and violent behaviours of children and young people.

Security, Terrorism, and War
20 credits

This module examines the challenges associated with defining and studying terrorism and insurgency. As a criminology student, you will assess how terrorism is constructed in social, political, legal, and media discourses. You will analyse how governments and nation-states respond and react to contemporary forms of terrorism in a globalised world, mapping the connections between organised crime and terrorist actors. Alongside this, you will also document the effects of counterterrorism and security policy on communities and counter-hegemonic politics.

Criminology at Work 1
20 credits

This module will help you to identify, assess and reflect upon how your skills and abilities transfer from your academic studies to the world of work. It provides you with an opportunity to identify, negotiate and secure a work-based learning experience to enhance your employability.

Criminology at Work 2
20 credits

This module will help you to develop, apply and analyse the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to effectively and successfully undertake a work based learning opportunity.

Understanding and Challenging Inequalities and Stigma
20 credits

This module will critically analyse theoretical explanations of inequalities, and stigma. As a criminology student, you will be expected to utilise a range of contemporary case studies to explore the experiences of stigmatised groups and as a means of developing your ability to critically apply criminological and sociological theoretical perspectives. Alongside this, you will explore the opportunities and barriers to addressing inequality and stigma, situating discussion within historical, social and political contexts.

Your Learning Experience

Excellent facilities and learning resources

We adopt an active blended learning approach, meaning you will experience a combination of face-to-face and online learning during your time at LJMU. This enables you to experience a rich and diverse learning experience and engage fully with your studies. Our approach ensures that you can easily access support from your personal tutor, either by meeting them on-campus or via a video call to suit your needs.

Teaching is delivered via a combination of lectures, workshops, seminars, online activities and one-to-one consultations with your tutors. You will also be expected to study independently and conduct your own self-directed research.

Work-related Learning

The degree provides opportunities for you to undertake supervised independent study on a Criminological issue of your choice, enabling the development of a wide variety of transferable skills and abilities essential for your future employability. For example, the Dissertation and Work Placement modules require students to identify an appropriate topic; develop a programme of study and present a clear, coherent and robust piece of written work. While the International Fieldwork module provides students with a unique opportunity to develop and improve these transferable skills within an international context.

Dedicated personal tutor, plus study skills support

It is often useful to discuss course-related issues on a one-to-one basis and for this reason we will assign you a personal tutor for the duration of your studies at LJMU. Your tutor will also help you put together your personal development plan so that you can monitor progress and set your own targets. Module tutors also provide support in the form of online learning materials, course guides and one-to-one consultations if you need them, and there will be study skills sessions to help you prepare for assessments.

Assessment varies depending on the modules you choose, but will usually include a combination of exams and coursework.

We understand that all students have different strengths and preferences when it comes to assessments, so we use a variety of methods to assess your work. These include:

  • essays
  • exams
  • fieldwork projects
  • reports
  • case studies
  • portfolios
  • blogs and wikis
  • workplace practice
  • posters
  • presentations (individual and group)
  • debates
  • reviews and group work

You will normally receive extensive written feedback on your assessments and regular verbal feedback.

All feedback is designed to help you achieve your full potential and get the most out of your studies, so staff will be available to discuss it with you and direct you to further support if you feel you need it.

Where you will study

What you can expect from your School

Based within the John Foster Building, in the Mount Pleasant Campus, the School of Justice Studies is a leading provider of education in Policing Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice. We provide specific training for policing students wishing to enter the service as a graduate recruit. The John Foster Building has many outstanding facilities, including well-equipped IT Suites, a light-filled Student Common Room and dedicated study areas. At the back of the John Foster Building is the Aldham Robarts Library, where you have access to an exceptional range of materials to support your studies.

Course tutors

There were a wide range of modules and the choice to shape the direction of your degree. The support was excellent with tutors always available to help with prompt feedback.

Career paths

The choice of careers open to criminology graduates is diverse and exciting.

Your degree could be useful in a range of fields including:

  • policy and administration
  • government advice
  • the children, young people's and youth justice workforces
  • social work, prison and probation services
  • research
  • academia
  • policing
  • investigating miscarriages of justice
  • media research
  • crime documentary and fiction screenwriting/production
  • writing and journalism
  • teaching
  • working in charities and community organisations

Student Futures - Careers, Employability and Enterprise Service

A wide range of opportunities and support is available to you, within and beyond your course, to ensure our students experience a transformation in their career trajectory. Every undergraduate curriculum includes Future Focus during Level 4, an e-learning resource and workshop designed to help you to develop your talents, passion and purpose.

Every student has access to Careers Zone 24/7, LJMU's suite of online Apps, resources and jobs board via the LJMU Student Futures website.

Tuition fees and funding

Foundation first year:
Second and subsequent years:

The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in accordance with any changes to the maximum allowable fees set by the UK Parliament. In the event of such a change, any fee increase will be subject to a maximum cap of 10% of the total course cost as originally stated at the time of your offer.

The fees quoted above cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as:

  • library membership with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources
  • access to programme-appropriate software
  • library and student IT support
  • free on-campus wifi via eduroam

Additional costs

Although not all of the following are compulsory/relevant, you should keep in mind the costs of:

  • accommodation and living expenditure
  • books (should you wish to have your own copies)
  • printing, photocopying and stationery
  • PC/laptop (should you prefer to purchase your own for independent study and online learning activities)
  • mobile phone/tablet (to access online services)
  • field trips (travel and activity costs)
  • placements (travel expenses and living costs)
  • student visas (international students only)
  • study abroad opportunities (travel costs, accommodation, visas and immunisations)
  • academic conferences (travel costs)
  • professional-body membership
  • graduation (gown hire etc)


There are many ways to fund study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you'll find all of the information you need on our specialist funding pages.

International full-time per year:

International Scholarships and payment plans

Liverpool John Moores University is committed to supporting international students by providing a range of scholarships and flexible payment plans to help students manage their tuition fees.


LJMU provides a variety of scholarships to support international students. Scholarships are available to self-funded students who have accepted their offer and met all the conditions outlined in their offer letter. Students must also demonstrate that they can cover living costs, travel, and other expenses associated to studying at the university. Postgraduate scholarships include tuition fee reductions and are often offered in partnership with external funding organisations.

All self-funded international students are eligible for an automatic scholarship worth up to £4,000. For more details and to view our full list of scholarships, visit the international scholarship webpages.


All students must pay a £5,000 deposit before they can receive their CAS letter.

For more information view our deposit page.

Tuition Fee Payment Plan

After paying their £5,000 deposit, students have the option to pay their fees in full or in three equal instalments minus any internal scholarships and discounts. There are two payment options available for international students. You can either pay your tuition fees in full before enrolment or opt for a payment plan. With the payment plan, you can pay your fees in three instalments after making your £5,000 deposit. The first instalment is due before enrolment.

All payments should be made through Flywire. Full details can be found in the How to Pay Guide.

Early Bird Tuition Fee discount

We are excited to introduce a £500 Early Payment Discount to all self-funded international students. Eligible self-funded students who pay their fees by the required deadlines will get a discount which will be automatically deducted from the 1st year of tuition fees.

To see the required deadlines please visit the webpage

Entry requirements

Please choose your qualifications below to view requirements

Grades/points required from qualifications: DDD-CDD (72-80)

Work out how many UCAS points your qualifications are worth by visiting the UCAS Tariff Calculator.

Qualification requirements

GCSEs and equivalents

Grade 4 or grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics/ Numeracy.
GCSE Equivalences accepted:
• Key Skills Level 2 in English/Maths
• NVQ Level 2 Functional skills in Maths and English Writing and or Reading
• Skills for Life Level 2 in Numeracy/English
• Higher Diploma in Maths/English
• Northern Ireland Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number
• Wales Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number

A levels

DDD-CDD Minimum Number of A Levels: 2

Maximum AS UCAS Points: 20 


Extended Diploma: MMP

Access awards

Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
Pass overall with a minimum of 72 points including relevant subjects

International Baccalaureate

Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications

OCR Cambridge Technical

Extended Diploma: MMP

Irish awards

Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications from a relevant subject

T levels

Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications.
You need to obtain the required UCAS points from a related subject area.

International requirements


6.0 overall with no component below 5.5, taken within two years of the course start date.

Find your country

Please Note: All international qualifications are subject to a qualification equivalency check.

How to apply

Securing your place at LJMU

UCAS is the official application route for our full-time undergraduate courses. Further information on the UCAS application process can be found here

The following criteria are desirable but not essential. Please demonstrate your development of these attributes in the personal statement included in your application:

  • A critical interest in how societies are constructed and the issues and challenges presented
  • A questioning mind
  • Good written and verbal communication skills, as you will be expected to convey knowledge to other people
  • Good analytical skills, so that you can evaluate policies and practice
  • Good reading and information retrieval skills - obtaining information from a range of sources and using it to support analysis

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See what our students are saying

At LJMU we want you to know you're making the right choice by studying with us. You can see what our students are saying about their experience with us through their reviews on the following websites:

The university reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the university. Where this does happen, the university operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.
Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.