Why study this course with LJMU?
- The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences is ranked 6th for Sports Science (QS World University Rankings 2024)
- Cover the art (coaching methods, planning and delivering) and science (psychology and physiology) of sport coaching
- Provides multiple opportunities to gain coaching experience in the UK and potentially abroad
- Apply the latest coaching research in practical sessions, assessments and placements
- Graduates have gone on to a wide range of exciting careers in community sport, private or overseas coaching, national governing bodies of sport and sport development
- Your studies will be supplemented by expert guest lectures and visits from the field of coaching
- Endorsed by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)
- 100% of students surveyed said this course challenges them to achieve their best work (NSS 2024)
About your course
The BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching with Foundation Year at Liverpool John Moores University provides a mix of academic and practical experiences to enhance understanding of sport coaching through from elite to community provision.
About the Foundation Year
The Foundation Year is ideal if you have the ability to study for a degree but don't have the qualifications to enter directly onto the Sport Coaching honours degree programme. Once you pass the Foundation Year you will progress directly onto the first year of the honours degree. If you are a full-time UK student, you will qualify for student financial support for the full duration of your course (subject to eligibility criteria).
About BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching
If you are passionate about sport and want a chance to help others achieve their sporting ambitions, a degree in Sport Coaching could be the route for you. Current demand for appropriately qualified coaches is high across a variety of settings (coaching children; participants and athletes). To be a successful coach, however, you need to be self-confident, have strong interpersonal skills and a sense of responsibility, alongside an in-depth professional coaching knowledge. This course will provide you with opportunities to gather this knowledge in areas such as coaching methods, sport psychology, training programmes and planning and delivering sessions.
During your degree, you will have the opportunity to do applied coaching on work placements in a variety of settings e.g. schools, clubs etc. This will help you to develop professional skills relevant to the coaching field e.g. observation, listening and communication. It will also help you to develop a network of contacts and to further your coaching C.V. Our excellent student placement office can help you source placements and in the past students have completed work experiences in Liverpool, across the U.K. and even abroad. Within your modules, you will also deliver and experience a range of practical coaching styles and sessions. These will be both student led and staff led, and will include a range of sports so that students get to observe, learn, and deliver the best coaching practices.
The staff on this programme have vast industry experience, ensuring that your lectures will be informed by both the latest research and best practices from industry. In fact, as part of your research methods strand, you will get to work on exciting research projects, helping you to develop analytical, organisational and presentation skills. More information on the Sport Coaching Research Group is available here.
Finally, in addition to your course, LJMU provides a range of extracurricular activities. For example, the Sport Coaching Research Group hold a monthly seminar where BSc. students mix with our MSc. and PhD students to hear the latest research in sport. We also have a programme of guest lectures and visits that students can attend. For example, students have visited the England Rugby Union Under 20 Training Camp and the Football Association at St George's Park. Students have also had guest lectures on site from practitioners such as Charlotte Henshaw (Paralympic Medalist Rio 2016), Mike Phelan (ex-Manchester United Coach) and Kate Richardson-Walsh (Gold Medal Winner as Captain of GB Hockey Rio 2016) amongst others. There is also a range of practical extracurricular opportunities for students including: BUCS and recreational sport activities e.g. dance, netball, football, rugby, hockey, gymnastics etc.
Course modules
What you will study on this degree
Further guidance on modules
Modules are designated core or optional in accordance with professional body requirements, as applicable, and LJMU’s Academic Framework Regulations. Whilst you are required to study core modules, optional modules provide you with an element of choice. Their availability may vary and will be subject to meeting minimum student numbers.
Where changes to modules are necessary these will be communicated as appropriate.
Core modules
Skills and Practice in Sport
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to examine the concepts of employability and enterprise across a range of organisations. This foundation module will develop your study skills and will inform the your understanding of your chosen career pathway.
Health and Wellbeing
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of health and wellbeing and demonstrates how increased physical activity and better nutrition can influence and improve this.
Practical Delivery in Sport and Physical Activity
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding regarding delivery of safe and effective physical activities.
Behaviours in Sport and Physical Activity
20 credits
20 credits
The aim of this module is to explore psychological and social theories to inform the delivery of sport. You will be exposed to several key psychological and social frameworks allowing you to develop informed approaches to your practice.
Human Anatomy and Physiology
20 credits
20 credits
The aim of this module is to develop knowledge and understanding of the basic structure and function of key physiological systems and metabolic processes.
Projects in Sport and Nutrition
20 credits
20 credits
This module aims to enable you to develop the skills to undertake an investigation into a specific area of study that is relevant to your programme.
Core modules
Research Methods 1
20 credits
20 credits
This module will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of research methods, along with covering the basic application and interpretation of various data analysis techniques.
Exercise Physiology 1
20 credits
20 credits
This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of the basic structure and function of key physiological systems, metabolic processes and discuss how these systems and processes respond to feeding and acute exercise.
Psychosocial Principles of Sport and Exercise
20 credits
20 credits
This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of the psychosocial concepts that underpin the sport and exercise environment.
Human Movement
20 credits
20 credits
This module will introduce you to the basic principles of human anatomy, functional movement, biomechanics, and motor skill acquisition, and to illustrate applications of these principles in sport, exercise, and health. The module also aims to introduce you to experimental methods in biomechanics and to develop skills in data handling.
Learning in PE & Sport Contexts
20 credits
20 credits
This module will enable you to appreciate positive learning environments in sport, PE, and physical activity settings. You will consider theoretical conceptions of learning and consider how these theories can inform your pedagogical practices.
Professional Practice in Sport Coaching 1
20 credits
20 credits
This module enables you to develop your professional practice through practical, seminar and workshop delivery encompassing role of the coach, coaching process models, practical coaching skill development, safeguarding in coaching understanding reflective practice and developing employability skills. You will also have the opportunity to complete a Level 2 Certificate in Coaching (Sport and Physical Activity).
Core modules
Research Methods 2
20 credits
20 credits
This module will enhance your understanding of the research process and related methodological approaches, whilst also developing your knowledge, skills and to complete investigations involving data collection, analysis and interpretation.
Learning in PE & Sport Contexts 2
20 credits
20 credits
This module will provide you with a critical appreciation of pedological models (games-based approaches, Rosenshein’s principle, non-linear pedagogies) and theoretical perspectives on learning (critical, ecological and relational) their application to further develop your pedological practice.
Professional Practice in Sport Coaching 2
20 credits
20 credits
This module will encourage you to develop your understanding of the nature and significance of Employability and Professional Development in relation to Sport Coaching. You will consider and utilise formal and informal learning in Coach Education, develop your capacity to understand and use various strategies for Reflective Practice and develop your own Personal and Professional Practice. Alongside this, you will also consider industry legislation, Sport policy and the structure of Sporting Governance.
Effective Coaching in Paralympic and Disability Sport
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will develop knowledge and critical understanding about inclusive practice as it relates to participants with disability. Specifically, you will learn about the diverse ways disability is socially constructed and the barriers disabled population face when accessing sport and physical activity. Importantly, you will learn how to apply inclusive and empowering principles to create a quality environment and deliver practices that meet the needs of participants with disability.
Strength and Conditioning for Coaches
20 credits
20 credits
You will learn how to implement strength and conditioning concepts and principles in the applied sporting environment. You will gain the opportunity to practice and explore the correct ways to administer safe and effective training-interventions and gain an awareness of how to monitor and evaluate the needs of individual participants from a range of applied environments.
Optional Modules
Study Year Abroad - Sport Coaching
120 credits
120 credits
This module will provide you with the opportunity to spend an additional year of study at an approved overseas partner that will complement your programme at LJMU.
Study Semester Abroad - Sport Coaching
60 credits
60 credits
This program allows students to replace one semester of their LJMU programme with a semester of full-time study at an approved overseas partner institution
Exercise Physiology 2
20 credits
20 credits
This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of the cardiovascular and metabolic responses of acute and chronic exercise. This will enable you to discuss these in relation to human health and performance.
Sport and Performance Psychology
20 credits
20 credits
This module will develop your ability to evaluate psychological principles associated with sport performance, motor control and learning, considering individual (e.g., personality) and environmental (e.g., culture) factors.
Sport, Physical Education and Society
20 credits
20 credits
This module will help you to develop your understanding of the relationship between Sport, PE and society, both theoretically and practically. Additionally, it aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of issues pertaining to equity, diversity and inclusion, particularly in relation to marginalised groups/inactive people in Sport and PE.
Sandwich Year - Sport Coaching
120 credits
120 credits
Within this module you will have the chance to undertake an extended period of work experience at an approved partner that will complement their programme of study at LJMU.
This will give you the opportunity to develop professional skills relevant to your programme of study as well as the attitude and behaviours necessary for employment in a diverse and changing environment.
Core modules
Major Project
40 credits
40 credits
This module will critically extend your understanding and deployment of research processes through the planning, production, analyses and report of a piece of independent research conducted in a responsible, safe and ethical manner.
Critical Challenges within Coaching
20 credits
20 credits
This module will progress your conceptual understanding and applied knowledge of critical issues prevalent to sport coaching. You will develop your understanding and application of theoretical processes relevant to the development and support of participants and their coach development across various coaching contexts from grassroots to high performance. Areas such as talent identification, transitions in sport and female coaches are included.
Applied Placement in Sport Coaching
20 credits
20 credits
This module focuses on your future employment preparation to allow you to grow your independence through further CPD courses, guest practitioners and coaches from the field and at least 20 hours of work-based/related placement.
Coach Expertise and Effectiveness
20 credits
20 credits
Optional Modules
Strength and Conditioning
20 credits
20 credits
Within this module you will learn how to implement strength and conditioning concepts and principles in the applied sporting environment. Specifically, you will develop the knowledge and skills needed to perform a needs analysis of an athlete, analyse data against theoretical norms and programme design. Alongside this, you will gain the opportunity to practise and explore the correct ways to administer safe and effective training-interventions.
Behaviour change
20 credits
20 credits
This module will engage you in current behaviour change theories, concepts and applied examples across the physical activity, nutrition, sport performance and health disciplines. In doing so, you will gain a theoretical underpinning in behaviour change and insight into how to change behaviours across a range of settings/populations/disciplines.
Performance Analysis in Sport
20 credits
20 credits
This module will develop your theoretical knowledge, applied understanding and skills in performance analysis of sport. In doing so, you will improve your ability to review and critique performance analysis application across sports.
This module provides an opportunity to develop your theoretical knowledge and applied skills of assessment and analysis of sport performance domains. You will develop the critical thinking skills required for performance analysis and translation of performance analysis information to the daily sport practice.
PE Teacher Education
20 credits
20 credits
This module will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the current practices of Physical Education and school sport within the 14-19 National Curriculum. During the course you will also develop a critical understanding of examinations and awards within Physical Education for 14–19-year-olds. The module will enable you to plan and deliver within a 14-19 years setting thereby providing a contextual opportunity to develop personal teaching, learning and assessment approaches in Physical Education.
Interdisciplinary Coaching Science
20 credits
20 credits
This module integrates a sport science and coaching interdisciplinary outlook to creating an evidence-based approach of an athletes annual training plan encompassing critical thinking around potential performance problems and solutions. This module will require you to demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate the key concepts and challenges of programme design and delivery through problem-based learning. This will provide you with the knowledge to discuss how an interdisciplinary team can work together to provide bespoke performance solutions.
Professional accreditation/links
Endorsed by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).
UK Coaching has recognised this combination of in-depth knowledge and practical application on the course, and have accredited the degree for meeting their standards. Additionally, the International Council for Coaching Excellence have also recognised the excellent coaching work at Liverpool John Moores and in 2017 we hosted the Global Coach Conference with presentations from World Class Coaches such as England Rugby Union Coach Eddie Jones to 300 coaches from as far afield as New Zealand.
With membership of ASET, the UK’s leading authority on work based and placement learning, LJMU’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences is committed to providing Work-based and Placement Learning (WBPL) experiences to our students that are quality assured and supported in accordance with best practice guidelines.
Your Learning Experience
Excellent facilities and learning resources
We adopt an active blended learning approach, meaning you will experience a combination of face-to-face and online learning during your time at LJMU. This enables you to experience a rich and diverse learning experience and engage fully with your studies. Our approach ensures that you can easily access support from your personal tutor, either by meeting them on-campus or via a video call to suit your needs.
Teaching is via a combination of lectures, seminars, practical sessions, online activities, peer learning groups and informal tutorials where you can discuss issues and develop ideas raised in the lectures.
Work-related learning
This Foundation Year is designed to build both your academic and practical skills, providing the qualifications and practical skills required for sport business. There will be opportunities to work alongside practitioners giving you a real taste of the many careers available within the sport business industries. Work-related learning is a vital element of your studies as it gives you the chance to practice skills learned on the course.
The course incorporates work-related learning through Employability and Professional Development modules that are built in at every level. You will have the chance to take up placements with outstanding organisations across the sport continuum, from the elite level such as Everton Academy, as well as a range of community based placements within a variety of sports. There will also be opportunities (both paid and voluntary) to work for our in-house Sport Start scheme.
We also have strong links with a number of national governing bodies of sport, work with school partners and private coaching organisations, as well as voluntary and charitable organisations linked to sport.
During your work experience you will build up a set of the key transferable skills that are valued by employers, whatever career path you choose, which will help you stand out from the crowd when you come to apply for your first graduate position.
Dedicated personal tutor, plus study skills support
From the moment you join LJMU, you will be assigned a personal tutor who will be responsible for supporting your academic and personal progress throughout the course. This kind of one-to-one support is particularly useful for discussing course-related issues or concerns you may have during your studies. As part of your timetable you will have weekly contact with your tutor in a Peer Learning Group. Other forms of support include a Student Support Zone and library which stay open in the evenings and at weekends during term time.
The school is fully committed to promoting a learning environment that supports a culture of equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) and has a Disability Support Coordinator, an EDI Coordinator and a School EDI Working Group. Personal Tutors also play a vital role in promoting awareness of support services for students.
Assessment varies depending on the modules you choose, but will usually include a combination of exams and coursework.
Every student performs differently according to how they are being assessed, and so we use a range of assessment methods. These include written assignments, exams, practical work, individual and group presentations, portfolios, reflective logs and a dissertation. You will be given a full assessment schedule at the start of each academic year to help you plan your workload.
Where you will study
What you can expect from your School
You will study in Liverpool city centre at our City Campus or Mount Pleasant Campus. Our sport and exercise sciences facilities are world-leading and feature state-of-the-art laboratory facilities for our current and future sport scientists. The Avril Robarts library is within easy walking distance and here you'll find all the information you need to support your studies.
Course tutors

Dr Nicola Robinson
- Programme Leader
I enjoy influencing and developing students' knowledge of their outlook on the coaching landscape, making sure literature can be applied and utilised through hands on activities and workshops
I enjoy influencing and developing students' knowledge of their outlook on the coaching landscape, making sure literature can be applied and utilised through hands on activities and workshops
Dr Robinson completed a PhD in Exercise Physiology at LJMU while working with athletes and training at international level for her sport Modern Pentathlon. Nicola's first research papers centred around the Athlete Artery concept and her more recent work involves multidisciplinary inputs, looking at youth athletes training loads, cycling pacing differences in novice and advanced, exploring the Paralympic reclassification system within athlete identity and gaze behaviour in laser run athletes. She has previously worked at the English Institute of Sport as Lead Physiologist for British Paralympic Swimming, which included the Paralympic Games, and has provided sport science support to Tournament Golfers.
Senior Lecturer in Performance Analysis
L/SL In Physical Activity, Exercise and Health Psychology
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Subject Head
The Sport Coaching course has allowed me to develop my coaching skills with both children and adults and learn a variety of aspects of coaching, such as sport science. I have met some great people who I will be friends with for life.
Career paths
Once you graduate, you have a wide range of options open to you.
Many of our graduates go on to work as sports coaches with private or overseas coaching service providers, national governing bodies of sport, or in sport development. Others choose to progress onto further study such as a PGDE, PGCE Initial Teacher Training programmes or other postgraduate studies, such as LJMU's MSc Sport Coaching course.
Student Futures - Careers, Employability and Enterprise Service
A wide range of opportunities and support is available to you, within and beyond your course, to ensure our students experience a transformation in their career trajectory. Every undergraduate curriculum includes Future Focus during Level 4, an e-learning resource and workshop designed to help you to develop your talents, passion and purpose.
Every student has access to Careers Zone 24/7, LJMU's suite of online Apps, resources and jobs board via the LJMU Student Futures website.
Tuition fees and funding
- Home full-time per year:
- £9,535
- Placement year:
- £1,905
The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in accordance with any changes to the maximum allowable fees set by the UK Parliament. In the event of such a change, any fee increase will be subject to a maximum cap of 10% of the total course cost as originally stated at the time of your offer.
The fees quoted above cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as:
- library membership with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources
- access to programme-appropriate software
- library and student IT support
- free on-campus wifi via eduroam
Additional costs
Although not all of the following are compulsory/relevant, you should keep in mind the costs of:
- accommodation and living expenditure
- books (should you wish to have your own copies)
- printing, photocopying and stationery
- PC/laptop (should you prefer to purchase your own for independent study and online learning activities)
- mobile phone/tablet (to access online services)
- field trips (travel and activity costs)
- placements (travel expenses and living costs)
- student visas (international students only)
- study abroad opportunities (travel costs, accommodation, visas and immunisations)
- academic conferences (travel costs)
- professional-body membership
- graduation (gown hire etc)
There are many ways to fund study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you'll find all of the information you need on our specialist funding pages.
- International full-time per year:
- £18,250
- Placement year international:
- £3,830
International Scholarships and payment plans
Liverpool John Moores University is committed to supporting international students by providing a range of scholarships and flexible payment plans to help students manage their tuition fees.
LJMU provides a variety of scholarships to support international students. Scholarships are available to self-funded students who have accepted their offer and met all the conditions outlined in their offer letter. Students must also demonstrate that they can cover living costs, travel, and other expenses associated to studying at the university. Postgraduate scholarships include tuition fee reductions and are often offered in partnership with external funding organisations.
All self-funded international students are eligible for an automatic scholarship worth up to £4,000. For more details and to view our full list of scholarships, visit the international scholarship webpages.
All students must pay a £5,000 deposit before they can receive their CAS letter.
For more information view our deposit page.
Tuition Fee Payment Plan
After paying their £5,000 deposit, students have the option to pay their fees in full or in three equal instalments minus any internal scholarships and discounts. There are two payment options available for international students. You can either pay your tuition fees in full before enrolment or opt for a payment plan. With the payment plan, you can pay your fees in three instalments after making your £5,000 deposit. The first instalment is due before enrolment.
All payments should be made through Flywire. Full details can be found in the How to Pay Guide.
Early Bird Tuition Fee discount
We are excited to introduce a £500 Early Payment Discount to all self-funded international students. Eligible self-funded students who pay their fees by the required deadlines will get a discount which will be automatically deducted from the 1st year of tuition fees.
To see the required deadlines please visit the webpage
A DBS check is not required for your application, however a DBS may be required for modules where there is a work based learning placement option. Work based learning placements that do not require a DBS check are available.
Entry requirements
Please choose your qualifications below to view requirements
Grades/points required from qualifications: CCD-CCC (88-96)
Work out how many UCAS points your qualifications are worth by visiting the UCAS Tariff Calculator.
Qualification requirements
GCSEs and equivalents
Grade 4 or grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics/ Numeracy.
GCSE Equivalences accepted:
• Key Skills Level 2 in English/Maths
• NVQ Level 2 Functional skills in Maths and English Writing and or Reading
• Skills for Life Level 2 in Numeracy/English
• Higher Diploma in Maths/English
• Northern Ireland Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number
• Wales Essential Skills Level 2 in Communication or Application of Number
A levels
Extended Diploma: MMM (96)
Access awards
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
Pass overall with a minimum of 88 points.
International Baccalaureate
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
OCR Cambridge Technical
Extended Diploma: MMM (96)
Irish awards
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications
T levels
Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications.
You need to obtain the required UCAS points from a related subject area.
International requirements
6.0 overall with no component below 5.5, taken within two years of the course start date.
Please Note: All international qualifications are subject to a qualification equivalency check.
How to apply
Securing your place at LJMU
UCAS is the official application route for our full-time undergraduate courses. Further information on the UCAS application process can be found here https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/study/undergraduate-students/how-to-apply.
We are looking for students who are genuinely interested in sport and have the potential to make a difference to the sports industry. Applicants should be able to communicate effectively both orally and in their written work and possess the self-discipline to manage their time and tasks effectively while at LJMU.
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The university reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the university. Where this does happen, the university operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.
Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.