Degree Apprenticeship FAQs for learners

We imagine you’ll have a number of questions about Degree Apprenticeships and we’re here to help. If your question isn't answered below, please get in touch with us.

Faq Items

Who pays for my tuition fees in a Degree Apprenticeship?

Where do I find a Degree Apprenticeship?

Am I eligible to become a Degree Apprentice?

Is there an age limit on Degree Apprenticeships?

What salary will I get?

What are employers looking for in a Degree Apprentice?

How can I be sure I will learn the skills and knowledge relevant to my career goals?

What courses can I study on a Degree Apprenticeship?

How much time will I spend at work and at university?

How long does an apprenticeship take to complete?

Will I receive a wage as a Degree Apprentice?

Will I be able to take part in student life at LJMU?

Where will I live?

Will my employer pay towards other costs associated with my degree?

How can I find out more?