External wellbeing support
Further wellbeing resources
As well as services within the University, there is a wealth of information online to help support you at this time and we know it can sometimes be overwhelming trying to navigate through this to find the right support you need.
The information below aims to present a variety of support that you may find useful during this time; from general wellbeing advice and guidance through to specialist support.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you need further help - you are not on your own at LJMU. We have a dedicated Student Wellbeing Team that are here to help you with any issues you are having at University that are affecting your wellbeing and/or your mental health
Email studentwellbeing@ljmu.ac.uk or call 0151 231 3664
If your query is relating to a specific issue such as money, disability, international advice then please contact the relevant team(s) within Student Advice and Wellbeing.
Wellbeing resources
General mental health and wellbeing online support
- SilverCloud LJMU has partnered with the self-help cognitive behaviour therapy programme, SilverCloud. As an LJMU student you can access the online programmes for free to help you deal with anxiety, depression, stress or other issues.
- Student Minds have gathered some helpful information and guidance to help people deal with the mental health and wellbeing impact COVID-19 is having on their university life.
- Student Space is here to make it easier for you to find the support that you need during the coronavirus pandemic. However you’re feeling, help and guidance is available. Explore a range of trusted information, services and tools to help you with the challenges of student life
- Every Mind Matters The NHS app for tips and advice to look after your mental health. Check out other NHS Mental Health Apps.
- Hub of Hope If you need mental health support wherever you are in the UK, visit Hub of Hope or download the app.
- The Mental Health Foundation have a range or resources and tips which are constantly being updated.
- CALM offers support in coping with social isolation and offers free, anonymous and confidential webchat and helpline services open from 5pm to midnight for anyone who needs to talk.
- Mind provides practical guides to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing.
- Rethink Mental Illness has a range of resources available to enable you to manage your mental health during this current time.
- The Mix has a bank of support guides available designed for people under 25 covering issues from money, tenancy rights through to advice on supporting others coping during lockdown.
Support with your mental health out of hours
If you are concerned about your mental health and your GP is not available, then present yourself to your local mental health crisis service.
If you are still in Liverpool contact the virtual crisis hub number 0151 296 7200 or Aintree University Hospital, telephone 0151 525 5980 where staff will be available to advise you.
Download our student mental health support document to find out more information about support available to you.
A-Z of specialist support services
Anxiety UK offers a variety of self-help resources for anxiety related conditions
Body and Soul is providing a weekly MindSET Livestream session that will be accessible to any young person feeling anxious or in psychological distress. You can register for each session and receive a link that will provide access to the event
Asylum and refugee support
UKCISA: UK Council for International Student Affairs provides advice for international students in the UK and universities, as well as to colleges and students' unions who support them.
MRSN: Merseyside Refugee Support Network are offering telephone and email advice. Emergency face to face appointments (with distancing) will be available for the most extreme crisis interventions.
Contact info@mrsnliverpool.org.uk or call 0151 709 7557.
ALM: Asylum Link Merseyside have moved to telephone casework advice helpline only. Tel: 0151 709 1713.
SOLA ARTS: This charity is offering therapy and arts activities for men who are in the process of seeking asylum and under Section 4, support and for men and women 18+ years old from asylum seeker, refugee and migrant backgrounds who have Leave to Remain.
They are also supporting families through family craft and play programme which will now be via online activities, projects and events.
Contact via social media Facebook: solaartsliv; Twitter: @SOLAARTS; Instagram: @solaart
Autism support
The National Autistic society has a range of resources available to support you and your family.
Cruse Bereavement Care:If you have lost anyone due to coronavirus.
Bipolar support
Bipolar UK: Bipolar disorder support info including a useful support guide to help keep you well during this time
Carer support
Carers UK: offers specific coronavirus guidance on what support is available to you as a carer and those you look after.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice have suspended all face-to-face services until further notice. You can still contact their advice teams for telephone advice:
- General Advice: 0344 848 7700 or callback@caliverpool.org.uk
- Debt Advice: 0300 330 1196
- Help to Claim Universal Credit: 0800 144 8 444
- Self-help online including webchat
Domestic or sexual violence and abuse and victim support
In an emergency always, ring 999. Using a silent 999 call followed by 55 (or tapping/coughing into the phone) will enable police to respond.
If it feels safer to text for support rather than risk being overheard, the Shout website is a 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Shout is powered by a team of volunteers, who are at the heart of the service.
- National Domestic Abuse 24 hour Support Helpline: 0808 2000 247
- RESPECT National Helpline, perpetrators (9am to 5pm): 0808 802 4040
- Women’s Aid
- National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)
Refuge (includes information for men): 0808 200 0247 (24 hours) - Men’s Advice Line (Freephone) for male domestic abuse survivors: 0808 801 0327
- National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428
- Liverpool Domestic Abuse Services: 0151 263 7474
- Merseyside Domestic Violence Service: 0780 272 2703
- South Liverpool Domestic Abuse Services: 0151 494 2222
- Ruby Project: 0771 428 9180
- Savera UK (honour based abuse and harmful practice specialist): 0800 107 0726
- Worst Kept Secret Helpline (Merseyside): 0800 028 3398
Support for children
- Young Persons Advisory Service (YPAS): 0151 707 1025
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Support directories
- Liverpool early help directory
- Victim Care Merseyside
- respect.uk
- The Ministry of Justice has a collated list of support for victims of domestic or sexual violence and abuse
Eating disorders
Beat Eating Disorders: If you have an eating disorder, or are supporting someone who does, you might have specific worries or practical concerns to do with the illness or treatment.
The Sanctuary: A chat room and safe space for people with an eating disorder to share concerns and advice on how they are coping with the pandemic.
OCD-UK provides some useful support tips to help you manage your stress.
Sleep support
The Sleep Council provides advice and guidance on dealing with difficulties sleeping.
Substance issues support
We are with you offer free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health.
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you need help with a drinking problem either call the National Helpline free on 0800 9177 650 or email help@aamail.org.
Zoom meetings are taking place on a regular basis. For more information visit the Alcoholics Anonymous website.
Suicide support
James’ Place is a non-clinical centre for men experiencing suicidal crisis in Liverpool.
Tel: 0151 303 5757
Email: info@jamesplace.org.uk
Text: JP to 85258 for their 24-hour helpline
Papyrus: A national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide and hosts hope line which is a confidential support and advice service for children and Young People under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide.
Samaritans: National telephone: 116 123 (this number is free to call) Local telephone: 0151 708 8888 (local call charges apply) or email jo@samaritans.org
Stay Alive app: This is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide: Offers online help and support available to people who have been bereaved by suicide.
Working from home and wellbeing action plans
The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust has a useful working from home self-care guide to support you to look after your mental health and wellbeing when working remotely.
General health advice and support
Finding a GP in Liverpool
If you are moving away from home to start or return to study, it is really important that you register with a doctor (also known as GP – general practitioner). You should do this as soon as you can.
Registering as soon as you arrive will help to ensure that your GP can process your registration in good time, allowing you to access healthcare services early on if needed.
You'll need a GP in Liverpool for prescriptions, referrals, sick notes and general health care. Your GP should be your first point of contact for medical care for illnesses that you can’t treat yourself or with the help of a pharmacist, so don’t forget to save your GPs number in your phone.
The majority of LJMU students moving to Liverpool register at Brownlow Health Central, it is a large GP practice with 3 sites in the city centre where many students go to and also offers an eConsult Service.
Confidential, expert advice and treatment of common health issues is available at every pharmacy, many of which are open late into the evening and no appointment is needed.
Care at the Chemist is a scheme that allows you to get medicines and advice for certain illnesses from your local pharmacy without having to go to your GP first. If you don’t have to pay for your prescriptions you won’t have to pay for any medicines supplied through the scheme. If you usually pay for your prescriptions you will only pay for what the item costs.
Use the NHS Choices website or the Livewell Liverpool directory to find your nearest pharmacy and check their opening times.
NHS 111
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. You answer questions about your symptoms on the website, or by speaking to a trained adviser on the phone. Depending on the situation you will:
- find out what local service can help you
- be connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP
- get a face-to-face appointment if you need one
- be told how to get any medicine you need
- get self-care advice
To get help from NHS 111, you can:
- Call 111
- go to 111.nhs.uk
If you have difficulties communicating or hearing, you can call 18001 111 on a text phone - use the NHS 111 British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter service if you’re deaf and want to use the phone service.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
NHS Walk-in Services
NHS Walk-in and urgent treatment centres are run by a team of highly skilled multidisciplinary staff, who can provide consultations, advice and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses in both children and adults.
There is one walk in centre in the city centre:
- Linda McCartney Centre at the Royal Liverpool Hospital, Prescot St, Liverpool, L7 8XP
You can find more information on other walk-in and urgent treatment centres on the Merseycare website.
Out of hours services
As well as your GP, there is help available from the GP out-of-hours services, pharmacies, NHS 111 and walk-in centres. Using these services will help keep A&E free for emergencies and life-threatening conditions.
The Department of Health recommends that all students be fully immunised before arrival at university. You should arrange to see your doctor and make sure you are up-to-date with vaccinations against:
- Tetanus
- Polio
- Diphtheria
- Meningitis C
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
If you have had only one dose of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine you will need to get the second dose at the appropriate time. Ask your doctor for advice.
Ensure that your vaccination records are up-to-date, if you are not sure please contact your surgery and find out if you have been vaccinated for:
- Meningitis C
- First Mumps (MMR)
- Second Mumps (MMR)
If you have, then you also need to find out the dates for when you were vaccinated. Please give your new doctor this information when you start university.
Meningitis/Meningococcal disease
Meningitis and septicaemia can develop suddenly and can kill or leave people with life changing disabilities and health problems.
Meningococcal disease can be difficult to diagnose because it has been associated with other symptoms, such as severe diarrhoea and vomiting.
Symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia include: fever, aching muscles and joints, a stiff neck, severe headache and/or a blotchy rash that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it.
Symptoms vary and can occur in any order. The MenACWY vaccine is available free to any student who has not already had the vaccine up until their 25th birthday. This includes any student born overseas. The vaccine protects against 4 common causes of meningococcal disease – MenA, MenC, MenW and MenY but not other forms, like MenB.
Higher Education students, particularly freshers, are known to be at increased risk of meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia. Being in confined environments with close contact, such as university halls, hostels when travelling, or attending festivals, increase the chances of infection if unprotected.
If you suspect meningitis or septicaemia getting immediate medical treatment can be life-saving. Dial 999 without delay in a medical emergency.
Specialist information for students can be found in this NHS info leaflet.
Visit Meningitis Now for further information.
It is recommended that all students between 18 - 25 years old are up to date with their MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccination. If you have not received two doses of the vaccination in the past, please contact your surgery to arrange an appointment.
Finding a dentist in Liverpool
It is vital that you register with a dentist before you need one, as emergency treatment can be expensive and difficult to access. The NHS will provide any treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy. Regular check-ups can help you avoid more expensive treatment later and prevent future dental pain.
For up-to-date information on which local dentists are registering new NHS patients, and approximate waiting times for an initial check-up, call Healthwatch on 0300 77 77 007 or email enquiries@healthwatchliverpool.co.uk.
Emergency dental appointments
For emergency appointments only you can contact the Dental Helpline on 0161 476 9651 from 8am to 10pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays.
This service can only be accessed in an emergency – i.e. if you are in severe dental pain. You will be asked questions about the dental issue you are experiencing, and a dental nurse will assess whether you require an emergency dental appointment, and book this if required.
Please note that the Liverpool University Dental Hospital is unable to see walk in emergency dental patients during the pandemic.
Help with health costs
Students in full-time education who are under the age of 19 are automatically entitled to full help with health costs (except travel costs, in which case they can apply to the Low Income Scheme). Make sure you fill in an HC1 Form to apply for help with health costs such as prescriptions and dental care; they are available in pharmacies and from your GP.
Students aged 19 and over entering higher education generally have access to their own resources and are no longer classed as dependent children. They can apply to the Low Income Scheme, using form HC1, the same as all other adults, to see if they qualify for help. For more information visit: NHS Help with Health Costs or call the Low Income Scheme help line on 0300 330 1343
Looking after your sexual health
You can access sexual health services, which provide lots of services including emergency contraception, other various types of contraception, LGBT+ wellbeing support, a range of STI screening, referrals for some counselling, pregnancy testing, abortion referrals and some services offer cervical screening.
The way these services are operating, has changed due to Covid-19. This includes being able to access some services online. Sexual Health clinics are appointment only systems. You should not attend a clinic, without an appointment.
To find out more about how to access these services, the latest changes to clinics and services, book a clinic appointment, or get more info on what these services can offer visit the Liverpool Sexual Health website.
Further information
Alcohol and drugs
Drinking (in moderation) is an enjoyable and usually harmless feature of student life. Being responsible with your drinking will help you have a happy and healthy time at university. It’s a fact that getting drunk regularly can have potentially serious physical, social and academic effects. For more information and advice about alcohol, visit the Drinkaware and Drink Less Enjoy More websites.
Almost half of 16 to 24 year olds in England and Wales have tried drugs at least once, most commonly cannabis. Sometimes it may seem that experimenting with drugs is part of the student experience. But always be aware that there is no shame in saying NO. For more information and advice about drugs, visit Talk to Frank.
There is local free, confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health provided by We are With You.
Find out more about the support and local services available in your area.
Healthy eating
Life at university can be busy and demanding so it’s really important that you take care of your wellbeing and take time to make sure you make the right decisions around food choices. What you eat can have an impact on how your mind and body works.
Eating well and having a healthy, seasonal balanced diet can not only help to improve how you feel, but it can also save you money and be better for the environment.
Cooking together with your group is also a really nice way to unwind, make connections with your new friends from uni and help you feel more settled into student life.
Further inspiration on cheap and healthy recipes to cook can be found online:
NHS Choices Website
You can find a wealth of advice about hundreds of health conditions by visiting the NHS Choices website.
Healthwatch Liverpool
If you have any questions at all about your health and wellbeing or what services may be available to support you, contact the Healthwatch Liverpool team for friendly, personal and independent advice.
Healthwatch Liverpool respond to enquiries, providing information and advice about the range of health and social care services and activities available in Liverpool. The team supports students to make decisions around their health and wellbeing and signpost them to appropriate services for their needs. We also gather feedback on peoples’ experience of services and get a view of what improvements they feel are needed.
For more information or advice about finding health services in Liverpool:
- Call Healthwatch Liverpool on 0300 77 77 007
- Text or WhatsApp Healthwatch Liverpool on 07842 552 878
- Email enquiries@healthwatchliverpool.co.uk
- Visit the Healthwatch Liverpool website
Livewell Liverpool
If you're looking for information about local services or activities the LiveWellLiverpool website is a great place to start – a directory of the city’s resources that can be used to search for information and explore options for care and support as well as social activities and clubs.
Wellbeing Liverpool
The online directory for mental health and wellbeing services, activities and groups in Liverpool. You can also find wellbeing tips and stories on the WellbeingLiverpool website. Or contact them through the website to discuss which services may be most helpful for you.