Research Data Management

What is Research Data Management (RDM)?

Research Data Management is thinking about, planning and organising the data you will create throughout your research project.

Good data management ensures that your research data is more accessible to you and those you are working with. It is also important if your project is externally funded. Funder requirements may have an impact on how you will organise, store and share your data.

Why is this important?

Good data management promotes better data admin – like backing up your data, using open file formats and ensuring the correct treatment of sensitive data. It also encourages data sharing and promotes the practice of making data openly available.

Importantly, research data management (RDM) increases transparency, allows results to be replicated and data to be reused in ways that may have been unimagined by the original user.

Learn more about RDM

The Researcher Engagement and Outputs Team in Library Services offer a number training sessions related to RDM, check out our events calendar for further details.  Our Introduction to Research Data Management tutorial has also got lots of relevant information.