Justice Policy and Practice

Justice Policy and Practice: Progress through collaboration

The Justice Policy and Practice stream seeks to extend knowledge and understanding of the implications of current criminal justice policy and practice. In doing so, it provides an insight into the efficacy and inferences of the criminal justice system’s organisational structure and processes – both for those who work within it and those who engage with certain institutions and services. Much of this work involves collaborating with local and national partners to assist in the evolution and future design and delivery of criminal justice service provision. Recent work within this stream includes:

  • Evaluation of the Ex–Forces Action Network (EFAN)
  • Harmful Behaviours for the Veteran Population
  • Privacy
  • The Occupational Cultures of Probation Officers
  • Therapeutic communities
  • Through the Gate Resettlement Services
  • Violence Reduction Units
  • Youth justice policy

Find out more about some of these projects

Find out more about some of these projects

Evaluation of the Ex–Forces Action Network (EFAN): A CommunityRehabilitation Initiative

Phoenix Futures

Probation, change and occupational cultures

Through the Gate Resettlement Services

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