What it's like to be a Degree Apprentice

Meet our Degree Apprentices

If you're considering applying for the programme, why not find out first-hand what it's like to be a Degree Apprentice?

Dan Tebay

Dan is one of the first cohorts of Degree Apprentices that have graduated from LJMU. He was awarded with a BSc Quantity Surveying (First Class). Dan is employed with the construction, services and property firm, Kier. We find out about his experience of the programme.

Degree Apprentice Dan TebayWhat are the benefits of doing a Degree Apprenticeship?

Continuing to earn wages whilst studying is the biggest benefit but also it enables my employer more flexibility with regards to university fees which would ultimately result in additional investment and opportunity for others wanting to follow a similar path.

Why did the programme suit you?

Being able to earn while obtaining a degree was beneficial to someone in my position – with a family. Going full time at university wasn’t an option for me.

What was the experience like?

Really good. As long as your attendance and performance at university maintains a reasonable level you're not really aware that the apprenticeship is happening, it's just seeing the benefits of it in the background.

Would you recommend Degree Apprenticeships to others?

Certainly…the fact that we can continue to develop skills in the work environment whilst earning a wage provides the opportunity to obtain a degree qualification without it having a detrimental impact on any professional or career progression.

Scarlett Blinston

Scarlett apprenticeScarlett Blinston is well into her Quantity Surveying Degree Apprenticeship with Laing O’Rourke. She is working on the Manchester Airport Transformation Programme alongside studying for her degree one day a week at LJMU. Scarlett will study at LJMU for the next five years and after completing her degree will continue to work at Laing O’Rourke as a full-time quantity surveyor. We asked her about her experiences as a Degree Apprentice.

What are the benefits of doing a Degree Apprenticeship?

One of the many benefits of studying and working is that I gain hands-on experience, putting into practice the theories that are taught at university. Using both the practical and theoretical elements together on a daily basis in a real life work situation really helps me to retain knowledge.

Why does a Degree Apprenticeship suit you?

When it comes to coursework and exams I can use my own knowledge and experience of a real life practical situation from my workplace as well as revising from notes or textbooks. Also for me personally, I feel by experiencing something for myself gives me more of a chance of remembering and I have a much more clear understanding. This enables me to use this knowledge in answering exam questions more fluently. I also believe that being part of a workforce helps massively because if there are any issues you have at university, such as not understanding a particular part of a module, you always have the people around you in work to guide you and maybe explain it in a different way, giving me a clearer and fuller understanding.

How have you found the experience so far?

The experience so far has been extremely beneficial. I feel as though work has helped me to push on with my university learning and vice versa. They have both worked together well and have been extremely successful. I managed to secure myself a First in the first construction module. The only slight difficulty for me is time management but this is easily overcome with practice.

What attracted you to becoming an apprentice?

The attraction to becoming an apprentice was personal to me as I know that I learn best by gaining a basic understanding and then putting it into practice, so therefore doing a part-time degree whilst in full-time employment was a perfect way for me to progress in a Quantity Surveying career.

Interested in becoming a Degree Apprentice?

Take a look at the How do I become a Degree Apprentice section.
If you need further information please send us an email.